Here is Jo in her new sleeping bag. I got her this cute pink backpack with an owl on it on clearance at Target. It comes with a matching sleeping bag inside and a flashlight and water bottle. It's pretty cute!
Yesterday, Jo snuck into Pepe's office (he's an accountant) and stole this thing that dispenses tape that says "sign and stamp" on it haha and this was the result...
And here is Jo "flying" with Daddy...
And now for some awesome videos... Here is Jo having her evening sippy tonight and also being a nut at the same time...
Here's another video of Jo being a nut tonight... it's kinda long but I was trying to catch her crazyness haha
And here is Jo playing "FLLLYING!" with Daddy haha I love how she like begs him after every time "flying, again again, flying, again"
Today I took Jo outside for about half an hour. She had an absolute blast playing with 2 bouncy balls... I took this picture RIGHT when Jo was falling hahaha don't worry, I'm not cruel, she didn't even care that she fell! Then we came in for a bath...
I was going to post some videos but they're going to have to wait until another time... I am FREEEEEEZING and all I wanna do is get in bed under the covers and watch House!