Okay, how adorable is this. Rob has been having to be at work at 4 or 5 am lately so he's been tired! Here he had fallen asleep on the couch and Jo went all the way upstairs, got a blanket, brought it all the way down the stairs and put it over him and even kissed him on the check and was saying "goodnight Daddy... go to sleep" it was so sweet. Buuuut then like 10 minutes later she was yelling at him "get up, Daddy! get up!" haha
Here is Jo playing with chalk out in the driveway with Mr. Jordan. Can I just tell you, I can NOT wait to get our yard fenced in!!! I just think it is going to be so nice! We're also enjoying having meals on the deck while the weather is still permitting it!
Here is the view from my kitchen window, how great is this!
How much do you love this full on smock I make Jo wear when she eats things that stain like crazy like these frozen blueberries she is obsessed with. It does the trick!