Today I had the first day of my English Literature class. I'm a little nervous... there is a lot of reading and all I could think about was... and wheeeen am I supposed to do that? haha But I'll find a way, I always do. Other than that it doesn't seem all that bad. My first day of my other class, Ethics, is on Friday and I hope it doesn't involve TOO much work haha because this Literature class is going to be a lot.
So we got a TOOON of snow yesterday! I can not wait until Josephine is old enough to play in the snow because that is still one of my favorite things to do haha

I love the snow on the trees. I'm sure some of you think I'm crazy because of my love of snow, it's most likely because I don't have to deal with it haha I don't have to shovel or necessarily get anywhere in a hurry in the middle of it. My father-in-law has a snow blower and he pretty much is in charge of that.
Here is a picture of Josephine with Daddy as he builds an electric snow shovel upstairs at Nana's. Neither of us know what an electric snow shovel exactly dooooes but Rob just does what he's told. I walked upstairs and I was ASTOUNDED that Josephine was sitting in her bumbo and behaving because I can assure you that if she wasn't watching daddy she would not be sitting in that thing!

Here are some cute pictures of Jojo playing on the floor from yesterday:

Sometimes Josephine likes to just bend over and eat her toys inside of making the effort of bringing them to her mouth, why bother? right!?
HAHA.. Keira does that bend over and eat the toys things too. Its so funny.. and sometimes inthe process she falls face first forward... then she gets mad!!(tanya)
Jenna does that too!!!!She loves to eat her socks! WHERE did you get those adorable stockings!!! Jenna's little socks always come off.. would love long ones like that!
I wish it snowed here in Louisiana. I am lived here most of my life and it has only snowed 3 times and stuck maybe once. We nver have what you would call a winter. It might get cold for a day or so but then its back up to 70 degrees a few days later.
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