This picture is of Jo walking around the block. She started walking up the street from our house and I was like whatever, I followed her and let her... little did I know she was planning on going around the whole block, all on her own! Well.. I mean I was with her but I just let her guide herself and she went completely around the whole block, and if you know our street... it's pretty long so going around the block is a pretty big feat for a 15 month old! As we passed our neighbors on the way home, just 1 house away from ours!, she just sat on the ground haha poor baby was tired!
Here is a picture of the Minnie Mouse ears Jo got from her cousin who just got back from Disney Land! Check out the back!...
Jo's not big into her stuffed animals, which is a shame because she has so many!!! She likes them but not as much as I used to love stuffed animals as a kid haha so I took all the ones out of her toy box (this represents about 80% of her total stuffed animal population) and just lined them up next to the couch in an attempt for her to remember they exist...
It worked!
Keira likes to walk around the block too- I am always happy for her to do it b/c it tires her out!!! Jo has the most beautiful eyes!!! and WOW- alot of stuffed animals!
Keira has like 5 and never plays with them.
Don't worry, I'm not responsible for most of them! I never buy her any now because I know she's not too too interested but all of those have been gifts given to her from my baby shower or just throughout the year.
I say, keep the care bear and donate the rest! haha! I love the kissing pics! Trust me, you can be overrun. I try to limit them or at least tell everyone, that is not a good present!
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