On a lighter note, look at my adorable baby!
Yes, she had a lollipop! haha that's like a big deal for me to give that to her! Out of all her Halloween candy she's only had 2 of those DumDum really small lollipops. I love in that 4th picture she's walking into the room with her lollipop and she really thinks she's a big shot! haha
The picture of her in the Mickey shirt is from today. Jo is OBSESSED with her purple dinosaur birthday candle holder, there are holes on the top for birthday candles and you can put the dinosaur on your cake! It was designed by my cousin Liz who designs toys and writes and illustrates children's books. Check out her website, it's pretty cool! Studio Dubois.
Today was a pretty tough day for Jo! She spent most of the day crying but ever since 4:30ish she's been fine. These pictures are also from today but Jo is wearing a different shirt because when I fed her soup for lunch she got a little too much chicken broth on it.
Here she is eating her plum while I changed her diaper.
I also made the 2nd batch of my soup today. We gobbled up the 1st batch, it was too good! I seriously LOVE this combination of things. If you need a reminder, it's made with chicken broth and has onions, carrots, celery, cabbage, Ditalini pasta, chicken, potatoes and broccoli. YUMMMMMY! I am a vegetable freak so don't mind me when I say I think it looks beautiful hahaha
Here's a pretty fun video we took yesterday after voting. Jo gets to show off her many talents haha. I asked her to say "McCain" before the video and she went "CAIN!" and I asked her to say Obama (see, I'm nice) and she said "OMAMA!" hahahaha it was pretty funny!
The video still might not show up but the video is there when you press play!
She is very chatty!!! She has a ton of words too. I think the red glasses are just her style.
ha- I came to see pix of the baby...and I see a link to my site! I'm glad she likes the purple dino guy...
Is the soup ready? I'm coming over...
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