We are about 99.9% sure we will be getting this awesome house! We are currently going through the entire process of just.... everything that comes along with buying a house. It's A LOT of work! A LOT! I firmly believe there has got to be an easier way to go about this whole thing, I do not believe that there has to be so many components to the process... it's just way too complicated!!!
We hit up a new playground the other day... here is Jo exploring and practicing her pole dancing apparently haha
Here is Jo taking care of one of her many babies...
And a few pictures of Jo just being her silly self...
Thats such a cute outfit!!! Can't wait to see the link of your house! I hope you get it. FYI we are renting a house 3/4 a mile from Scarbough beach JUly 25th- August 1st. We would love to see you guys at the beach if you are in RI any of those days. We are planning on taking Keira to the Roger Williams Zoo one day that week too.
Did you know the Roger Williams Park Zoo is approximately TWO MINUTES away from my parents house!!!! AKA the house I grew up in! I looove that zoo, such a nice zoo. I worked there for awhile in the gift shop. I will DEFINITELY put that on my schedule to go to RI during that time! Yay!
Sooo far behind on posts... can't wait to see pictures of your house that you want to get!!!!! WHoopie!! Beach days.. man.. I would love to live near a beach, ocean, etc.. Oh well, camper is the closest we can get...there is a lake there but its not the ocean!!
Good luck on the house! How exciting! I have been told that for ever paper you have to fill out or sign, there has been someone who sued over the fact that they were not informed of that information. So, because someone didn't realize something, they had to create the million steps and papers that it takes to buy a house. It's worth it though. Very cute pictures!
Thats such a cute outfit!!! Can't wait to see the link of your house! I hope you get it. FYI we are renting a house 3/4 a mile from Scarbough beach JUly 25th- August 1st. We would love to see you guys at the beach if you are in RI any of those days. We are planning on taking Keira to the Roger Williams Zoo one day that week too.
Did you know the Roger Williams Park Zoo is approximately TWO MINUTES away from my parents house!!!! AKA the house I grew up in! I looove that zoo, such a nice zoo. I worked there for awhile in the gift shop. I will DEFINITELY put that on my schedule to go to RI during that time! Yay!
Sooo far behind on posts... can't wait to see pictures of your house that you want to get!!!!! WHoopie!! Beach days.. man.. I would love to live near a beach, ocean, etc.. Oh well, camper is the closest we can get...there is a lake there but its not the ocean!!
Good luck on the house! How exciting! I have been told that for ever paper you have to fill out or sign, there has been someone who sued over the fact that they were not informed of that information. So, because someone didn't realize something, they had to create the million steps and papers that it takes to buy a house. It's worth it though. Very cute pictures!
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