Jo loooves to look out the window. And until we get a new screen door, we don't have a window she can stand at herself and look out because all of our windows are sorta high up. So today when Jo was pretty fussy (look at her face!) I stood on the couch and let her sit on the window sill and look out, ofcourse I stayed there and kept a hand on her. Can't wait till we get a new screen door for out kitchen door so she can just stand up and look out the window!
When Jo was being extremely clingy I was getting a little desperate to do some things around the house. I reeeeally needed to finish folding the laundry and putting it away and do some dishes, all of these things I have been struggling to do the past few days but between being sick and having Jo with her tooth coming through... it's been pretty hard! So I finally got Jo to sit down and she started going through EVERYTHING, pulling everything out of anything she could find. If there is one thing Jo likes to do, it's to empty things!!! But today I just let her make the biggest mess because it was the only way she's stay quiet and entertain herself haha so here is what she did (these pictures do not do it justice!) while I folded laundry.
Then when I went to do the dishes, she opened my baking cabinet and continued to make a mess and empty that. Again... I just let her because I really wanted to get the dishes done haha
And then when she was done... she was kind enough to close it for me!
Then Jo had some dinner! Her favorite part of the day... well, that's anytime there is eating involved really.
Here is a video of me trailing the mess Jo made in the living room leading up to her emptying the cabinet in the kitchen haha. Excuse my voice, I DON'T HAVE ONE! This always happens to be towards the end of my sickness... I always lose my voice almost completely.
So cute! I hope you and Jo are feeling better soon!
haha- I let keira make a mess all the time because it keeps her entertained for a min!!!!
I love how you sacrifice her making a mess for you to clean up! Hope you feel better soon sis!
hahaha, just posted almost the exact same pics on my blog....same pics, different baby.
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