Owens Corning came over again and their "significantly lower price" was $10,500. Obviously, that's a no-go. After thinking about it, I really didn't expect them to come up with a price we were going to accept so I wasn't expecting much when the guy came over.... I especially wasn't expecting the mess he was going to make in my kitchen! He tracked in SO much... crap. All the stuff that's falling off our trees in the front of the house, whatever that crap is, it was all over my kitchen floor. The whole time this guy was here all I did was stare at his shoes as he walked around (and ofcourse made like 3 trips back and forth to and from his car) and was thinking "Oh my god, what kind of shoes are you wearing? Do they have suction cups on the bottom that just suck everything up that you walk on? How can ONE person possibly have this much stuff coming off the bottom of their shoes?" I should have taken a picture of what I swept up after he left! haha I was like all of this for nothing, fantastic.
Today Jo was wearing her Florida sourvenior t-shirt that my father got her when he recently went down there. It's soooo big on her, I'm pretty sure it'll fit her when she's like... 4, atleast haha. I thought it was so cute the way it was so big, it looked like a night shirt! Here she is doing her adorable head tilt...
Right before her 2nd nap, Jo was having a popsicle with Daddy because she did so good with her veggies and fruit at lunch. These pictures are HILARIOUS because she looks absolutely exhausted but she wasn't fussing or anything like she usually does when she's tired like this... instead she just would not give up on her popsicle haha.
And now.... the most adorable picture in my opinion! Daddy and Jo cuddling after her nap. Rob was really awake he was just pretending to be asleep, or else the baby would be on the floor in that picture.
While I was getting ready for our outing to Target, Babies R' Us and out to eat at Fridays, I let Jo empty one of the cabinets again.
I swear, she could be SO fussy and all you have to do is place her infront of something that she can empty and she'll be instantly distracted!
Here is Jo eating dinner at Fridays. Her Tiny Diner placemat (which is freakin' awesome!!!!!!!) is pretty empty here but she had a HUGE dinner. She ate about 4 cherry tomatoes that were from my salad, some cheerios, some puffs, a bunch of pieces of mandarin oranges and pineapple, a bunch of pieces of freeze fried apples (they're by Gerber and reeeally great, the only ingredient is... apples!) and then some carrots that were also from my salad AND a french fry from Daddy haha.
Rob kept holding Jo up so she could look through the "window" that really was just to the other side of the restaurant. The people at the table right behind the window kept waving to Jo and laughing at her, glad they weren't annoyed haha.
At Babies R' Us we got some baby proofing items, including a gate! So I'm going to work on that tomorrow. We're going to be spending some time outside tomorrow now that I'm basically fully recovered from the illness from hell. Now, I am off to bed! Goodnight everyone!
I think emptying things out of cabinents is the activity of choice for June babies this week!!! :o) that placemat looks awsome. Is that from Babies r us?
Yes it is. It's called the Tiny Diner. Check it out: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2373448 It has a little part that catches the food that falls on the floor and so you can just flip it up and it goes back on the placemat and it just rolls right up to put in your diaper bag and it's really easy to clean. Probably one of the best purchases for Jo I've ever made!
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