Then, after she woke up I was cleaning the kitchen and Jo wandered into the bathroom. She was being a little too quiet so I went in there and this is what I found...
Then I needed to pee, so I figured she was being quiet and entertained so now was my chance. I lift the toilet lid (because we have to keep it closed with Jo. Miss. I WantToThrowEverythingInEverythingElse) and what do I find? A spatula ofcourse, why wouldn't there be a spatula in my toilet? Haha and NO, not one of her play spatulas... one of MY spatulas! She must have gotten it from the bottom portion of the stove where all that stuff is, she learned how to open that about a month ago and you'll never know what you're going to find when you open it to get something!
All throughout the day I was doing laundry, sometimes I'd have to carry Jo into the laundry room with me and place her infront of the machines because she was being cranky and needing to see me at all times, and other times she'd be fine without going in there, and sometimes she'd walk in after a few minutes and follow me in there. Well, one of the time I went in there, what did I find? 3 bottles of sunscreen on the floor. Okaaaay haha she must have dragged those in during one of the times she followed me in. Then I put my clothes in the dryer, turned the dryer on, and went to pick up Jo and I said to her "wait, where is you binkie?" I looked around and then quickly stopped the dryer. Yep, her binkie was in the dryer. That was of no surprise because she loves to throw things in other things, hence the toilet activity.
Today we went to Target and Jo did NOT want to sit in the carriage. She kept standing up! Yes, standing up! I usually don't strap her in but after she stood up for the first time I did and yet she still managed to stand up numerous more times! The strap did nooothing. So she was half sitting in the carriage but constantly sitting up and then getting sat back down by me and half free as a bird wandering around Target. I went to the aisle that has all the travel size things to see if there was anything I needed for our trip and I was like wow... this is Josephine's DREAM! A bunch of bins full of little things she can empty and then put back haha she enjoyed it VERY much!
Tomorrow we are going to the beach, maybe, with Auntie Allyson! The forecast doesn't look good so we might be staying in, not sure, but my sister is coming either way so should be a fun day! =)
HAHA.. sounds like life at my house. We have to keep the bathroom door shut and keira is always putting things in weird places.
we have a gate so mina cant get in the bath room . it looks like Jo is having lots of fun with those Q tips.
I remember these days well!
The twins still like to bring wet facecloths to bed with them...have fun with Aly!
That first picture is so funny, she looks so busted, but yet adorable.
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