This morning, Jo woke up at 5:45 for her morning sippy cup which was weird because lately she's actually been getting up later at like 6:30-7 for it (she STILL goes back to sleep for another 2 hours or so even when she wakes up at 7 for her sippy cup, yes, I am lucky!) So anyway, I got get her her usual morning sippy cup which has 7 oz. of milk in it. Well, she sucked that down with no hesitation and then when it was empty she kept trying to drink more out of it. I was trying to take it away from her because I didn't want her to just suck air and get a belly ache but she was getting so mad that I was trying to take it away. So I said "okay, okay calm down Daddy will go get you a little bit more" so as she sits there all pissed off Rob goes and gets her a few more ounces. She sucks that down and then is fine, she wasn't trying to drink out of it after it was empty or anything like that BUT... she would not let go of the cup. She was hugging it against her like she was protecting it's life. I tried to take it away so we could all go back to sleep but she wouldn't give it up so... she cuddled with it and fell back asleep haha. I really should have taken a picture buuut I was tired and wasn't about to get up and go in the living room to get my camera.
Then this morning when Jo was having breakfast I decided to make her oatmeal because I haven't in awhile and she always enjoys her oatmeal. Well she didn't want me to feed her anything, she's very independent (yet she doesn't mind when I feed her yogurt...) and I got aggravated because I didn't want to just throw away the oatmeal I just made. If you know me, you know I don't want to waste ANYTHING, so I got Jo a bunch of blueberries which she NEVER turns down and basically made a pile of oatmeal mixed with blueberries on her tray and let her have at it. She ate them all, and it got rid of most of the oatmeal, but ooooh the mess it made...
Now this was before she rubbed her eyes with those oatmeal hands. There was SO much oatmeal in her hair and just all over her face, yeah... it was messy. But I don't mind because I love to clean up a good mess haha
This is Jo in the new cute pink bin I bought at Target to put some of her toys in. It was only $9.99 and it really helped. I was able to move things around and reorganize things, I think I even wanna get another one. It's so cute, I couldn't pass it up! She was playing with Rob's drink and it was really funny because the first time she was playing with it, it was full and she could haaardly pick it up so then the next time she was playing with it (pictured here) it was a lot lighter but when she went to pick it up she was expecting it to be a lot heavier so she practically fell over when she picked it up a lot faster than she thought she would haha.
Alright, off to bed I go. I'm going to the DMV tomorrow... again. But this time I have everything I need, atleast I better have... wish me luck!
That would have been a great pic- her sleeping and hugging her sippy cup. How do you get her to go back to sleep when she wakes up at 530? K does that too and I nurse her and then she wants to get up for the day even though she is still tired.
I don't do anything. She WANTS to go to sleep. She literally will finish her sippy, sit up for maybe 2 minutes while I burp her or something and he she just starts cuddling with the pillow and blanket and goes to sleep. Sometimes she's so tired she's CRANKY and all she wants to do is go to sleep so she won't even finish her sippy she'll just drink most of it and then roll over and go to sleep. She could NEVER get up for the day after her morning sippy cup, good thing is... she doesn't want to.
Good luck!
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