Friday, November 7, 2008

Funny Josephine Story of the Day!

I just walked into our bedroom and Jo is standing there holding something and going "Mmmmm..... mmmmm." I said "what are you eating!?" and she holds up a WRAPPED Tootsie Roll with a big bite taken out of it. It must have fallen out when I hid the bag of candy last night! She ate that big bite with the paper on it! hahaha of course I had to let her have the rest, but thankfully I was able to take the paper off first before she ate it!


k's mama said...

LOL!!! They are so funny. Keira pulled out the bag of cheetos from the pantry at 630 this morning and started eating them!

MommyKW said...

HAHA! Very crafty girl! As Samantha would say it, "mummy, mummy!"

Tracy said...

That is tooo funny. Jenna LOVES candy and knows where I hide it.. always pointing at it and signing "more" more... please! That Jo... she is just too cute. Can't hide the candy from her huh!