Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Door

Well when my friend Caitlin came over the other day we took down our Halloween door and put up our Thanksgiving door haha. It was a little harder to come up with ideas but we managed, can't wait for the Christmas door!!! Now that one will be easy! Speaking of which, is anyone else not even thinking about Thanksgiving in the slightest bit? I keep forgetting it's coming up, all I can think about is Christmas! I officially have all my Christmas shopping done for my side of the family by the way =) Yay!

Here is Darth Jo

Look what Jo learned how to do...

Here's Jo just chillin', enjoying her cookie...

And last but not least... an adorable picture of Jo laying on Rob right before bed...

It was so nice out today! We took the 15 minute walk to the shopping plaza and all Jo had to wear was a long sleeved shirt with a light sweater over it. My goal was to finish xmas shopping for my side of the family and to get everything wrapped so when we go to my parents this weekend I can just bring it over then to get it out of the way. I can't wait for Christmas!!!


MommyKW said...

Very cute door!

Sara said...

Love your door theme! I know what you mean about Christmas! I am so excited for the holidays this year :)