The closet in Jo's room is our biggest closet and so therefore was our main storage space. Rob had boxes and boxes of stuff taking up the whole bottom layer of the closet and then I had tons of bins stacked up on top of them and you just couldn't get to anything without taking out a million bins first. Things DEFINITELY needed to change here! So Rob went through all his boxes and threw out 99% of the stuff and I made the bottom layer of the closet my bins, therefore they weren't stacked anymore. Then we went through the miscellaneous stuff that was stuffed along the outer edges of the closet and after all that, we were left us a lot of room! The plan was to move all of Jo's clothes from her bureau to the closet so we bought a few closet organizer and here is the result:
We still have a slight problem here, but it's manageable. What you see right there is about 30% of Jo's clothes. I'm not even kidding. This girl has more clothes than anyone (and it is not my doing! trust me!) so basically I have no room for all of Jo's clothes to be clean at the same time. I have to do her laundry in terms of what I have room to put out at that time.
One of the top bins I had in the old closet was a huge laundry basket full of my shoes and NOW my shoes are condensed into not even a foot of space! (you can see that all the way to the left). Seriously, this shoe organizer is the BEST. It's double sided and is REALLY long, it goes past what you see here. And depending on the shoe is can fit 2 pairs in one slot. It was only like $5 at Wal-Mart!
On the top of the closet I have bags and just random stuff that if I wanted to get to before I used to have to move about 5 bins to get to it! The on the other side of the closet I have some of Jo's stuff hanging up, a bunch of blankets, and a storage bag full of random winter stuff and some sheets and what not. I am BEYOND pleased with the closet makeover! I wish I had a before picture so I could show all of you what I was dealing with up until now!
In our bedroom we don't have a closet. Our clothes are all over. There are 2 "closet" like things we bought from Target which hold our clothes, there is a bureau too and all along the outer edge of our bed... hidden by the bed skirt... is a ton of piles of folded clothes. We have a huge chest at the foot of our bed full of clothes. The 2 bottom drawers of my nightstand act as my underwear drawer! haha and as you can see in these pictures... the old tv stand from our living room that is now in our bedroom also has clothes in the bottom of it. This just makes it sound like we have a ton of clothes but no, we really just have no where to put them so they're in a lot of different places. My plan is to get rid of that giant, horrible chest that is at the foot of our bed and to put the old tv stand in it's place instead and then take Jo's now empty bureau and put that against the wall where the tv stand is now and fill it with all the clothes that were in the chest. Did you follow that?
Why are we doing all of this? Again, it all comes back to having NOWHERE to put ANYTHING. I can't even imagine fitting one more toy in this house. What we plan on doing by taking the bureau out of Jo's room is getting a VERY large, VERY substantial shelving unit to fit into Jo's room somehow (I need to play around with the arrangement of the things in her room now to figure it out better) because we seriously have nowhere to go but up haha.
In other news, I got Jo her bathing suit for this summer. How CUTE is this!?
I love the bathing suit!!! I got all excited reading your post!!haha We are the same way with organization and it getting us all excited. We have 4 Very small closets for EVERYTHING.. me, Mike, baby, ,coats, linens, pantry etc etc.. Its next to impossible to work with. Old houses just didn't know how to make closets!!! I just constantly get rid of toys K doesn't play with to make room.. and our clothes too. I daydream about having a nice big closet and being able to see all my clothes at once! Keira has more clothes than me too!
I dream about having our own BASEMENT. That right there would be a dream come true. We could eliminate the $157 a month we pay for a storage unit because we'd be able to put everything in the basement and we'd just have a lot of space to put things. You're one closet ahead of us! haha it sucks doesn't it? But let me tell you... when you have not a lot of storage space you sure do get creative huh? haha Our 3 closets are for everything as well... it's insane. It's nearly impossible to deal with.
You are doing so good with what you have!! And that bathing suit is tooooo cute!
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