I had to reorganize Jo's room in order to clear off an entire wall for this unit to go on. It's 6' by 6' so it's quite big. Here are some pictures of how I reorganized it...
See Jo's TV stand? that will be completely gone from her room because of this new unit. There's not much on it compared to how much room is on that unit.
I got yet another closet organizer at Ikea, see the smaller one to the right? At least it'll provide a little extra space for all of Jo's clothes.
Here is the wall I cleared off for the unit, I had to take a lot of things that were hanging on that wall off and put them somewhere else in her room. The easel will go where Jo's TV stand was and those 2 cube blocks you see will also be able to get out of Jo's room as a result of the new unit.
Then in the living room we did some work. We organized all the wires in the back of the TV stand and got rid of a few things that Rob never uses. AKA a DVD player we've been meaning to throw away because it stopped working but we just kept it where it was haha and a few other things like that. We took all the things out of the bottom of the TV stand like the cable box etc. and stacked them on a shelf next to the TV stand, thus providing extra storage space in the cabinets under the TV stand. And by using that TV stand we were able to clear this space next to it...
There used to be 2 blocks stacked on top of each other just like you see where Jo's books are. Now that space is free for toys that were taking up too much room in another crowded corner.
THEN... the blocks that were there are now going to go in OUR bedroom here: (one is only pictured)
We're going to move the little closet type thing you see to the right of the block over to the right and put Jo's TV stand there and then the blocks from the living room and Jo's room on top of the TV stand to create even more shelf space in our room which we need BADLY (as you can see form the pile of things on the floor) Did you follow all that? I just can't wait for the unit in Jo's room to be built. We need it so bad!
In other news.... here is Jo eating a waffle and some raisins and being cute while doing so...
1 comment:
I looooove that new wall unit!! I am so jealous! I have been looking at stuff like that for our playroom. I'm just getting so sick of bin after bin after bin...I can't WAIT to see it assembled!
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