Lets get started, shall we?
First of all... you may remember when I bought a TON of new stuff for Jo's bedroom when we added the addition on. Well, this rug was one of the purchases...
It matches the whole color scheme and was cute... but... I HATE THIS RUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's IMPOSSIBLE to clean, there are just no options. It just sucks, big time, and gets dirty so easily and it just shows a lot. I hate it. I want it to die haha. The rug we have in the living room, the one that looks like a little city and is super fun for Jo was only $19.99 at Home Depot and is MACHINE WASHABLE. I repeat, machine washable!!!!! So I was planning on getting another rug similar to that and I found it at Ikea! It was only $15.99! And is... machine washable!
On to the absolute best purchase everrrrr. I have been wanting these two particular pans FOREVER. I've actually been waiting to go to Ikea to get them. I needed a pan that was bigger than the biggest one I already had and I wanted a nice sautéing pan. By the way, pan? or pots? I don't know. Anyway, I LOVE THESE SO MUCH! I spent $19.99 each on them, the most expensive thing I bought. But I am soooooo in love. The sautéing pan is the pan of my dreams, I cooked with it that night and I loved it. JUST what I wanted!
I got Jo this little pink stool for $7.99. I've been eyeing them EVERY single time I go to Ikea and finally decided to get one. They are just too cute, and come in a million colors but of course I had to get pink.
That's Jo looking like a crazy person in her auntie's shirt which she randomly found upstairs and refused to take it off all day long haha.
I got Rob a glass cookie jar for $2!!!
I got 2 of these bins because they were $1.50 and I couldn't resist at that price. I don't have a particular purpose for them just yet but I know I surely will, it was just one of those things I couldn't NOT get haha.
Along with all this I got Jo 3 packs of markers because they were so cheap, they're really cute... they have stamps on one end and a regular marker on the other end. I got her this packet of 400 pieces of paper that comes in all different shapes, sizes, colors, consistency etc. etc. I got Jo a little stuffed animal and some cutlery and cups to match the bowls and plates I already have for her from there. Along with a few bowls and plates I couldn't resist for us... I only spent $86 total! I always seem to spend a minimum of $100 every time I go there so this was quite the accomplishment.
Here are some random pictures from the past few days...
1 comment:
I wish we had an Ikea closer! I love the little stool!
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