When he first came he was very matted and needed a bath BAD. So this picture was right after his first bath...
You can see from these pictures his fur was not the best! So I booked him an appointment at the groomers the very next day (yesterday) so he could just get shaved or what they call a "lion cut." Pomeranians have such long fluffy hair so you really need to take care of it. Once it starts growing back in I'm going to brush him all the time!
And here are pictures from after his "lion cut" ummmmmm.... please ignore his man parts that are on display hahaha lets just say... I can't wait for all his hair to grow back! hahaha
He's such a GOOD dog. He's 5 years old so he's already trained very well. He sleeps in HIS bed all night long. I thought it'd be hard to get him to sleep in his own bed but he just loves it. He just chills in it all day and lets me know when he needs to go out. He's such a great dog! Jo absolutely loves him. She keeps going in the silverware drawer and getting a spoon and putting dog food on it and trying to feed him off of it. He actually will eat off of it sometimes! haha. Jo is already so attached, you should have seen her meltdown when we had to drop him off at the groomers. When we got home she sat in his bed and held his bone and just cried for him! haha it was the saddest thing ever!
1 comment:
He is so cute! I love the new "hairdo!" It's funny how attached the kids get to their pets. When we left for vacation, all of the kids questioned us about every aspect of the dog's boarder. Even if they were going to talk to them while they were there. haha!
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