Every morning we get up, get dressed, and take the dog for his morning walk. Here is Jo on one morning walk and then playing in the yard afterward...
Here is Jo out in the yard the other day trying to get Mr. Jordan to follow her around haha. And yes... her t-shirt says "Belliveau University" hahaha my father-in-law got them made!
Here's Rob's master hiding spot the other day when he was playing hiding-and-seek with Jo. You can't tell from this picture but the window sill is actually REALLY high, the top of it touches to the ceiling haha. When Jo went in the bathroom she said "DADDDDDY! Get down from there before you get hurt!" That just goes to show you how much she probably hears that haha.
Jo being a nut before bed...
Sometimes Jo doesn't want to go on our walks when I need to take the dog out (did I mention I can't wait to have a backyard of my own to take him out to!?) and it's really frustrating because I have to go but sometimes she's cranky and wants me to hold her the entire time or something... well I found what will make her ALWAYS want to go and distract her mean while... letting her push her baby carriage!
How adorable is this dress Jo wore to church yesterday?
And last but not least... pictures from today. I looove these overalls my aunt passed down to me! They're so big on her, she'll get so much use out of them!
Keira would love that doll double stroller!! I can't believe she still sleeps with all those animals in her toddler bed!
Oh man... love the juice pics and her jean dress!!
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