Here's Jo being the hulk.
I love this video. I wish I had started recording it about 3 minutes before this. She thought she was training Mr. Jordan, having him come to her and then she'd run 5 feet away and have him come to her again etc. etc. too funny! What you see her do in this video she had done like at least 15 times in a row before I started recording haha.
We got a plain t-shirt at The Dollar Tree on Sunday after church and also some fabric paint! Thought it'd be a cute project to let Jo design her own t-shirt... here's what happened when I went to the bathroom for about 1 minute...
Here we are having a picnic outside on Jo's first day without a nap. I decided to cut out the nap (as hard as that is for me to do!!!! I LOVE her naps!!! haha) but nap time was getting later and later and more difficult and same goes for bed time. So I decided to cut the nap out and give her an earlier bed time and so far it's been working out! Her new bedtime is 7.
Here is Jo painting her birdhouse castle she picked out at Michael's...
And today at the park...
I am so excited for you guys to get your house and be able to have some more space!!!! YOu will love it!!!!
and no nap??? Now way!! keira can't function past 1 pm! Yesterday she woke up at 330 pm and was still ready for bed at 7 pm! She will be napping for a while I hope! At least till 3 or 4 !! HAHA
Trust me... I enjoyed the nap more than ANYTHING. I need that break in the middle of the day. In fact, yesterday which was the 2nd day we did this, I SERIOUSLY contemplated going back. I tried to figure out which was better for me.... a break in the middle of the day and her going to bed later... like 8:00-8:15 but with major issues and having to go in there a million times before she even goes to sleep which probably doesn't happen till closer to 9. Or... no break and her going to bed without a problem at 7 exactly. I think it's better for all of us this way. Jo is fine during the day without a nap but you can tell she's getting tired toward the end of the day.
Looks like you guys are keeping REALLY BUSY! I love that video! Too funny! And, I cannot give up nap time! haha! Samantha and Connor both still take a nap and they have to go to bed by 7:30. You are brave!
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