It always amazed me at the entertainment children get from everyday objects that aren't really "toys." I looked down at Jo in her playard and had to take a picture of all the things that have accumulated in there that aren't toys yet I gave her because she was having too much fun to let go of them!
Let us see... she has a Tylenol bottle, a pair of glasses, a flashlight, a cup, baby wipes, a tube, and there was a water bottle (not pictured) in there too haha.
I put Jo's play "stage" in her playard and ofcourse she instantly pulled herself up on it. Having something in the middle of the playard gave her a sort of "bridge" and she would use it to move from one side of the playard to the other and go every which way and I was very impressed on how easily she was getting around. I still can't believe how big she's getting! Her standing up and walking around the playard is just one more sign of her growing up and it makes me sad!
And here is Jo standing up in her cute little blue outfit, I love this baby =)
I love the non toy toys. I think keira plays more with them than her toys!!!
MAN.. she is sooo adorable.. I swear!! Jenna likes non toy things too! She doesn't have a play yard to play in but she loves being where we are. She just started crawling this morning.. took a trip across the living room. NOW life gets interesting! what is that hanging down?
Tracy- It's a balloon. My husband is the manager of a Toys R' Us and they give balloons out and stuff so he always brings her one home when her previous one is too low on helium or something haha she loooves them.
Add Brooke to loving the Non toys...old remotes, her hairbrush, the tylenol bottle is a favorite as well. She is standing so good...I think she may go straight to walking.
Too cute! I love her facial expressions! She stands so well! Good for her! Maybe you should have registered for things like water bottles, wrapping paper, etc. People would have looked at you like you were crazy! If only you knew then what you know now!
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