I'm going to tell you a story about probably one of the worst days of my life. Around this same time last year, I was casually walking into the bathroom and I stopped short in my tracks. COVERING the floor were thousands and thousands of little bugs. My eyes slowly moved upwards and I saw that there were thousands more covering the walls and every surface in the bathroom. I grabbed my bunny (R.I.P Kelly) and ran upstairs. Eventually they went into the kitchen, but stayed on the floor and didn't move upwards, THANK GOD. My father-in-law non-chalantly says "Oh, yeah, that happens every year around this time." and I was just like excuse me? EVERY year??? If I knew this, I would have seriously reconsidered my relationship with Rob, haha just kidding... kind of. If anyone knows anything about me you know that this equal the end of the world for me. So my father-in-law sprayed ant killer stuff and vacuumed them all up, it took about a day or two to get the strays that would make their way out. Well... this year, needless to say, I wanted to try and PREVENT this from happening. So I had my father-in-law spray this stuff ALL over the bathroom that is supposed to give you 12 months of protection. THANK GOD I HAD HIM DO THIS YESTERDAY! Because today I went into the bathroom and I SAW THEM! They were pretty much dying, definitely not their usual self, and DEFINITELY not thousands of them all over the place. This time there were maybe 50 in the kitchen and bathroom. All pretty much dead or dying. But when I saw the first one I RAN upstairs screaming "MARY MARY MARY!" Who is my mother-in-law "THE INVASION HAS STARTED THE INVASION!" Then I ran into her bedroom where Rob was laying down with the dog and I was like "ROB HURRY GET UP GET UP!" haha you would have thought there was a murderer downstairs. Imagine if I didn't have my father-nin-law spray yesterday! Who knew the invasion was going to be the NEXT day, we could have been infested again! AHHHHHH! I haven't seen any sense this morning so I think the spray he did REALLY helped and I doubt anymore will come out, maybe just a few. We think they're coming from the doorway which we've been talking about replacing forever. Oh by the way we think they're flying ants... even though they don't fly. They have wings... but I don't think they look like ants. Who knows... all I knwo is I don't want them here.
Jo is wearing on of the pretty skirts today that Auntie Karen got her! Here she is getting into trouble on the TV stand. I think my father-in-law is going to go to Bobs with me tonight to get a new TV stand, this way my husband doesn't need to know how much it was.
Jo usually take one short nap, around 30-45 minutes, and then one long nap which is usually around an hour to an hour and a half. Lately, for about a week and a half or so, she's only been taking 2 short naps. So she's always tired. Here she is SO tired that she's cuddling with me haha. Please excuse my appearance, I hadn't straightened my hair yet.
Here's a video of me and Jo playing Jo's favorite new game. She wasn't laughing like she usually does when I do this but she was smiling, good enough!
And finally, I have good news! Some... company (I have no idea who, my father-in-law took care of this part) is coming over on Monday to give us a quote about the garage. This company does everything, builds the wall, finishes the others and does the electrical work so it'd be nice to have one company do the whole thing. But we'll see what they say!
Jo looks adorable in the skirt!!!! I think her and Keira have the same nap sch. One 1-1.5 hour nap and 1 30 min nap.. when keira is teething she does the 2 short nap thing too!!! Its no fun. By the way.. we had a ant problem in our kitchen last spring .. i read online that cinnamon scares them away.. they don't like the smell.. . we tried it and
We have the same problem in the spring. I have a spray, I think it's called Home Defense that is supposed to last for 10 months outside. Every year we have done the same thing and didn't do anything until they had already invaded, but this year, I thought better and as soon as it started to warm up, I sprayed the entire perimeter of the house and I also got those liquid ant baits and set those up at the doors. We had one incident of about 30 ants swarming the ant bait and then since then, it's been stray ants here and there. But, these were little ants not FLYING ANTS! Plus, you have to be overly concious of the fact that you have the ant baits because of small kids. Good luck!
Jo looks adorable in the skirt!!!! I think her and Keira have the same nap sch. One 1-1.5 hour nap and 1 30 min nap.. when keira is teething she does the 2 short nap thing too!!! Its no fun. By the way.. we had a ant problem in our kitchen last spring .. i read online that cinnamon scares them away.. they don't like the smell.. . we tried it and
I was horrified at your ant story - ahhhh!!! what a nightmare!!
We have the same problem in the spring. I have a spray, I think it's called Home Defense that is supposed to last for 10 months outside. Every year we have done the same thing and didn't do anything until they had already invaded, but this year, I thought better and as soon as it started to warm up, I sprayed the entire perimeter of the house and I also got those liquid ant baits and set those up at the doors. We had one incident of about 30 ants swarming the ant bait and then since then, it's been stray ants here and there. But, these were little ants not FLYING ANTS! Plus, you have to be overly concious of the fact that you have the ant baits because of small kids. Good luck!
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