Here is Jo this morning in her pajamas. She's able to scoot over to the TV stand and use it to stand up so we got our first lesson in baby proofing today. As you can see from this picture, she likes to pick everything up and drop it on the floor or just sweep it off the TV stand like she's doing a magic trick and there are a few things on there she shouldn't be getting at so we're going to have to remove those. I'd also like to put those padded things on the edges, with Jo's history of hitting her head it is a must!
Doesn't this picture look like Jo is in a Mylicon commercial? haha
And here is Jo playing outside after our walk. It was so hard to get her to look up for me to take a picture because she was having so much fun playing with the grass. The first time that I finally got her to look up I saw a bunch of grass and dirt on her lips haha I didn't even see her put her hand to her mouth or anything! It didn't look like anything was in her mouth but still, that baby is fast!
And now for the best part of today's post, the videos!
This one is of Josephine saying "yaaaaay" after I say it. Sometimes I'll say it and put my hands up in the air and she'll do it too, so cute!
Sometimes if you say something and it makes Jo laugh. You just have to say it over and over, in a funny voice and she just thinks it's hilarious and it never gets old for her, for a few minutes that is haha so that's what I'm doing in this video. Also in this video, you get to see her go "bababababa" while making this adorable face and this is something she does the most frequently, she does this alllll day and I finally caught it on video...
In this video, me and Jo play catch! I love how happy she acts when she "catches it"
And finally, this is Jo crying/fussing after hitting her head. It's sad when she cries and fusses like this but it's also ADORABLE haha she just frantically "talks" while she cries likes she's telling me everything that is wrong, this is how she sounds all the time when she fusses or cries. In this video it only lasts for a few seconds before she gets distracted by the jewels hanging off my camera...
She is so cute!!!!!!!!!!! I love how she is staring at her hands while outside on the grass. Keira does that too is so funny!!
Cute pics and videos. I love when she is laughing at you. She seems so happy! I can't even believe that she has been a cranky baby! So adorable.
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