These pictures were taken this morning and I know it certainly doesn't look like she was cranky but these were RIGHT after breakfast... it was for a little bit that she started getting cranky.
We went outside after lunch and then went and played with Ayden. I don't know what she was doing in this first picture but I have a feeling she was eating something...
For awhile now, Jo has been a big shot and refuses to eat things cut up and wants to hold the whole piece of food herself and eat it. For about a month now, in the morning I just hand her a whole banana and she eats the whole thing with no problem. Obviously I don't do this with things that would be dangerous but if you give her as much as you can whole she doesn't mind eating the other things cut up. Well, tonight at dinner, she didn't want to eat her peach cut up so I just handed to her and she ate the whole thing.
Tonight before bed, Jo kept herself entertained with this catalog for about 10 minutes. At times, it looked like she was actually reading it, it was pretty funny.
I took a bunch of videos today but yet again, Blogger isn't letting me upload them. They are pretty funny so I'm going to definitely try tomorrow to post them. Hope everyone had a great day! =) Goodnight!
K likes to hold food by herself too! Seriously that girl has got to be the best eater. I can't believe she will eat a whole peach. K won't eat more than a bite of anything!!!
not only a whole peach but A LOT of other things afterwards at the same meal. It amazed me how much she eats in one sitting haha it really does.
I think we should sit Jo and Samantha down for an eating contest. I don't know if there is enough food to fill them both up! haha! I LOVE her hair! What a thick mop of dark hair! I can't get over it!
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