Here is Josephine with her new favorite toy, trust me... you do NOT want to try and take this away from her. She's even sleeping with it right now... Hey, if she's going to be into action figures, fine by me! Because my husband has plenty of them for her to play with haha yes, my husband is a geek, and I love him.
Annnnnnd... my Pottery Barn things came last night! What do ya think? I looove it, it's so cute! The handle is cute too but it's behind her so you can't see it. It's really nice! =) Hope everyone is having a good day!
My dinner came out great! I cooked for 10 people... but I seriously made enough for maybe 20 haha I apparantly have a problem saying to myself "okay... there are 10 people eating so this is how much food I should make" I don't think I have a good perception of how much to cook. But it all came out excellent, with just a few hitches here and there haha. But everyone said it was really good so I'm proud of myself, especially since I've never cooked any of the things I cooked tonight before so for being my first time I was surprised at how good things turned out. Tonight was all inspired by my friend, Tanya, a fellow June baby mama! haha yaaay
Here are a few pictures of Jo getting into some trouble today haha...
My goal tonight is to make a sausage, onion and pepper stirfry over rice and baked potatos with onions and peppers... hmmm... we'll see how this goes haha updates to come...
I have very sad news. Last night we had to put our cat, Jones, to sleep. He was very old, atleasy 16 years old as we know but my husband and his family don't know how old he was when they got him so he could have been a little older. This past week he's just been moving in slow motion almost, getting weaker and weaker and losing weight like crazy because he wouldn't eat or drink. So we finally took him to the vet and they said he would need a liver and kidney transplant but obviously that just wouldn't make sense considering his age. Here is my FAVORITE and one of the new pictures that Jo got taken with Jones: And my husband and Jones... he LOOOOVED that cat!
On a lighter note... I am SO proud of Josephine! These past 3 days she has been so great about me sitting her down in her playyard with some toys and then leaving. She hasn't fussed or cried like she usually does the SECOND I leave her view. I've actually gotten to brush my teeth and wash my face in the morning and not having to wait till her first nap to do all that stuff! haha she's been REALLY good about it. Today, our replacement mattress was being delivered and I wasn't expecting the delivery men to show up so soon (seriously... when delivery people say they're going to be there between 12 and 4 do you REALLY expect them to show up at 12? Because I didn't!) and she sat in her playard for like 20 minutes alone while I hurried up and moved a bunch of stuff out of their way, not even a fussy peep out of her! I could hear her talking away without a care in the world! Here is a picture I took of her when I got back from doing that because I was seriously just so proud haha We have found a new use for Jo's booster seat. When she's really cranky, for some reason, she's happy as a clam if she's sitting in the booster seat in the living room with everyone else. Maybe she feels more grown up? Like "Hey, I can sit in a chair too ya know!" This is her wanting my camera, as usual... And a picture of Zoe with Jo now that Zoe can come downstairs... Annnnd... Jo showing off her onsie, proudly! Yes, she looks very proud and thrilled hahaha Yesterday, for breakfast, I put Jo in her Christmas bib since she was already wearing her Christmas pajamas, so it was fake Christmas! And to keep with the spirit I put her in a Christmas sweater. Here she is in her empty playard after I did some serious cleaning of it... Also... yesterday, I SAT Jo in her activity mat instead of just laying her under it and she was absolutely amazed! It was like a whole new world to her, she couldn't believe it, she was seriously absolutely mezmerized by it haha it was the funniest thing ever to watch her. And ... here is Jo, with a ribbor tied around her head, with her favorite new toy... a wire rolled up. Um... yeah, her extremely safe new toy. I couldn't get it away from her, she'd FLIP out. You all must watch this! It is HILARIOUS. I was filming Jo standing up and holding on to the edge of the playard and as the camera went near her face she wanted to grab it from me so in one quick move she let go and grabbed the camera and then it's just pure chaos as they both fall haha I love this so much...
And another video of Jo just being Jo and talking up a storm...
Okay, me and my husband have been very bad. Today I was thinking about how long it has been since we've been grocery shopping haha and so I went online to look at our bank statements and the last time we went to Stop & Shop was on 12/31/07!!!!!!!!! We pick up little things at Target every week like milk, bread, butter things like that but not really... any REAL food haha. We're bad, I know. It'd probably be much different if Jo was older and didn't eat just baby food and formula. We've been eating out and getting take out soooo much lately. We need to stop and go grocery shopping haha.
I'm so upset!!! I got my Pottery Barn Baby catalog in the mail and I saw something and INSTANTLY went online to order it and it was unavailable! this bunny easter basket with Josephine's name on it and they're out!!! They have other ones that are okay but I really wanted that one. CAST YOUR VOTE!!! haha Do you like this one? (obviously in pink) or this one? Again, in pink. I really like this one with the pink polka dot liner but even if I got the smallest basket it'd cost $34 before shipping and before tax and I just can't justify spending that much money on a small basket! Haha so it's between the other 2... I'm leaning toward the bucket but I'm not sure. It just seems more sturdy and better quality for the money. If anyone isn't aware of this, Pottery Barn Baby always has GREAT, reasonably priced personalized items for every holiday and just every day stuff as well. I got Josephine a Christmas stocking with her name on it and it's sooo cute, I love it. I'm also ordering her a REALLY cute pillow case with JMB on it. I'm getting my friend a onsie and a canvas storage bucket thingy with her baby girl's name on it. Pictures to come...
Here is a video of Jo just absolutely getting a kick out of me haha. She thought it was so funny when I would say "thighs, thighs, thighs..." and grab her little chubby thighs and then she thought it was hilarious when I said "WHAAAT!?" in a funny voice.
Sorry it's so dark. You guys probably think I live in a barn but we don't have an overhead light in our living room, just a bunch of lamps and it doesn't show up well when you take a video with just a digital camera haha
My brother's girlfriend, Karen, who I absolutely love and my sister, Allyson. Me and Karen! Me and my sister with our similar shirts on unintentionally haha. My cousin Alex and Jo. I can't believe this kid is in high school, I remember when he was a baby!!! My Aunt Danette and Jo. My favorite aunt!!!! Jo eating a flower at my Aunt Sun Kyung's house, where her daughter Grace had her 6th birthday party. The fam. My grandma, my sister, look how cute my little cousin Grace looks! haha Jo was amazed by her wings. My aunt Sun Kyung in the back, and my mom and cousin Geneva are up in there too. So I put Jo in her crib and I come back and I find her like this! This was a huge shock because I've NEVER seen her get on her knees like this by herself! She doesn't even go into a crawling position by herself I have to do it for her. I don't know if this is a sign that she is getting closer to wanting to crawl or atleast try a bit? I couldn't believe she did this by herself from a sitting position AND she was sitting almost the opposite direction when I left her.
We're home! We had a good weekend in RI. Josephine was an angel. He went out to Applebees after I got there on Saturday and just kinda hung out with my brother and his girlfriend afterward. On Sunday, we went out to breakfast then went to my little cousin's 6th birthday party. We had a lot of fun and Jo was really well behaved and slept AMAZINGLY. She usually wakes up a few times here and there to get her soothie but she slept from 7:45 pm to 6:30 am without waking up ONCE. I was like, why don't you do this at home? Not like her waking up for a second really bothers me but it was just strange haha.
So, big news! My bestfriend is in labor right now! She started having cramps around 4 am and when I talked to her at noon she said she was having really bad cramps and she didn't know if they were contractions or not, they were 15 minutes apart at this point and I told her they were probably contractions. Around 6 she went to the hospital and at like 7:40ish I talked to her sister and she's in FULL BLOWN labor. She's 5 cm dilated and apparantly... labor isn't agreeing with her and she's having a tough time but an epidural was on the way so hopefully that'll help her out some. I think I'm going to go back down Tuesday or Wednesday to visit!! I CAN'T WAIT! I can't wait to take a picture of Jo next to the little baby, her future best friend! (they don't have a choice haha). Anyway, it got me thinking, and please nobody hate me for this. But I find it very weird that I have a baby yet I have NO labor experience once so ever. I never felt a single contraction, I never had 1 painful cramp... nothing. I never got to go into labor naturally or be like "I THINK IT'S TIME!" or something like that. I kinda wish I had and then again I'm kinda glad I didn't. I just find it weird that I can't even imagien what it's like. But either way, it's weird... haha.
Here are some pictures taken during our weekend and some of when we got home tonight. My cats! Frisky and Jewel. Frisky is 21 years old human years!!! I know I look like a 12 year old boy in this picture because I had no makeup on but this is when I met Barack Obama... yep, I met Barack... that's right... (Note: This does not mean I endorse him.) Jo, half asleep, having her first bottle Sunday morning. I just thought it was funny because she was acting like she was drunk, she kept falling asleep and dropping the bottle. My sister and Jewel. Josephine having fun playing the blanket peek-a-boo game! She's getting ready!
Jo's second nap was 35 minutes long. Apparantly, there isn't anything I can do to get her to sleep longer. She was VERRRRY cranky between her first and second nap, she was absolutely EXHAUSTED. But after her 2nd nap she was fine until bed time.
Today, I cleaned the laundry room. Please note, this room isn't really "ours," it's off of our kitchen but everything in it are my parents-in-laws and I would never have a room that belonged to us this messy haha hence why I even cleaned when it isn't my stuff! The only thing I use it for is to keep the bottles away from the cat and to do the laundry obviously. Here are the before pictures:
And the after pictures: Whatcha think? I think it's definitely an improvement but I wanted to get a lot more in depth but Josephine was not allowing that. For the time being, I think I deserve a pat on the back haha.
Jo has been having VERY messy feedings lately. I can't get the spoon near her mouth without her grabbing it or without her putting her hands in her mouth and it's just VERY messy haha here is a before picture:
annnnd after....
Here are HILARIOUS videos of the feeding in which you get to see Jo make the mess you see in the pictures above. I love them. (If the video still doesn't show it's still there, you just have to press play). My camera only lets me video tape 1 minute at a time that's why they're so many...