Josephine has had a pretty rough day. There was a lot of tears, a lot of yelling, a lot sad, sad looking faces. I don't know what has been bothering her, it could be that her tooth isn't finished breaking through yet, you can only see a portion of it, not the whole thing yet. I don't know if she has gas... which I thought was supposed to be rare at this age? She's almost 8 months old... but she does this thing when she's crying and grumpy where she arches her back and will get all stiff and stretch her whole body out straight but then arch her back again... it makes me feel like she has a belly ache or something. Well I definitely know it had something to do with her being tired, she took her naps pretty early today and so I was expecting her to take a 3rd, when plenty of time had gone by and she had been yawning and rubbing her eyes I tried to put her down for a 3rd nap and let me tell you... she was NOT happy. She FLIPPED out. A lot of the arching of the back and what not. She found that nap for a looooong time but she did eventually take a 3rd nap but not until 5:30 or 5:40. But let me tell you... everything is making her angry today! This is basically what she looked like most of the day: Here are a few cute pictures that were taken of Jo playing with hew new favorite toy, a tissue box, in the 2 hours between after she woke up this morning and when the crazy crankyness kicked in:
Jo fell into this position today during her extreme crankyness and stopped fussing and seriously stayed just like this for about 10 minutes being perfectly quiet while chewing on the Hylands Teething Tablets bottle: She's a strange child haha =p
Josephine absolutely loves the kids show The Backyardigans. She lights up everytime the theme song starts and will smile so big during it and ofcourse dance up a storm. I've always wanted to video tape her reaction when the theme song comes on and so I did tonight. I want to get a better one because this one turned out really dark and you can't see her expressions too well but this will have to due for now! It's so funny! My favorite part is when she looks up at me and just smiles as if to say "Look, mom!" haha
awww- she looks so sad!! Keira was a cranky pants today too.- ohh and I think keira was the most cranky with her teeth after they popped above the gumline but before they were all the way up- and she has days where she is gassy and has tummy aches too... and Keira likes to eat the hylands bottle too! Our girls are so similar!
OH MY GOD! That is hilarious. I have to tell you, that is the same thing Samantha does to the theme song of Hannah Montana! I guess that is what happens when you are the oldest June baby! Ha! Ha! I would almost bet it is the tooth. Samantha was still very upset until a while after the tooth popped through. New teeth are sharp and the feeling of that sharp rubbing on the top gums can't feel good!
Brooke does the thing where she arches her back and stiffins up her whole body too. I was not sure if it is gas or her that you say that I am thinking it must have something to do with the teeth..Brooke will wake up during the night doing this...or she has the last 3 nights, but we do not show any sign of a tooth. Brooke stops what she is doing when the Mickey Mouse clubhouse comes on. We just saw the Backyardigans this weekend b/c i saw ya'll talk about it so much.
awww- she looks so sad!! Keira was a cranky pants today too.- ohh and I think keira was the most cranky with her teeth after they popped above the gumline but before they were all the way up- and she has days where she is gassy and has tummy aches too... and Keira likes to eat the hylands bottle too! Our girls are so similar!
OH MY GOD! That is hilarious. I have to tell you, that is the same thing Samantha does to the theme song of Hannah Montana! I guess that is what happens when you are the oldest June baby! Ha! Ha! I would almost bet it is the tooth. Samantha was still very upset until a while after the tooth popped through. New teeth are sharp and the feeling of that sharp rubbing on the top gums can't feel good!
I just let my 2 year old watch your video. He cracked up!
Brooke does the thing where she arches her back and stiffins up her whole body too. I was not sure if it is gas or her that you say that I am thinking it must have something to do with the teeth..Brooke will wake up during the night doing this...or she has the last 3 nights, but we do not show any sign of a tooth. Brooke stops what she is doing when the Mickey Mouse clubhouse comes on. We just saw the Backyardigans this weekend b/c i saw ya'll talk about it so much.
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