As a baby shower gift, I got 2 packages of size 4 Huggies. When I ran out of my size 4 Pamper (which she's been using since she was born... Pampers, not size 4 diapers haha) about 5 days ago I said hey, I don't want to waste them... mind as well use them! Well I knew right away I probably would stick with Pampers once I was done with the Huggies, I just didn't like the way they felt and they did leak a little a few times over the days and I just felt like they didn't hold in the moisture as well as Pampers does.
Weellllll..... this morning my husband had to be in work extra early so he was gone by the time Jo had her first bottle at 6:30. Once and awhile, when my husband has to go in really early, I let Jo sleep in the bed next to me after her first bottle because she is sure to sleep extra long if she's in our bed and sometimes I like the extra sleep! haha and we both needed it today, she woke up 3 times last night! And surely, she slept till 10:15 am! But... when I picked her up, this is what I found:

Enough said.
Too funny! I can't even count how many times I have woken up next to something like that - and it's not mine or Chris'!
ewwwww!!! I hate huggies.. I bought one bag because they were on clearance and I won't ever buy them again- Ill stick to pampers and target brand dipes.
This has never happened with us! With Pampers, she never had 1 leak, not even a little one!!!
Well you know I switched Brooke to Huggies and after 2 days in them she got a terrible diaper rash...I switched back to Pampers and I have not had any problems....Huggies Suck!!!
We have always used Pampers or Costco brand. I like them a lot and haven't had any leaking issues. In my post before, I was referring to those post diaper accidents! I bet you all can't wait for that!
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