My brother's girlfriend, Karen, who I absolutely love and my sister, Allyson.
Me and Karen!
Me and my sister with our similar shirts on unintentionally haha.
My cousin Alex and Jo. I can't believe this kid is in high school, I remember when he was a baby!!!
My Aunt Danette and Jo. My favorite aunt!!!!
Jo eating a flower at my Aunt Sun Kyung's house, where her daughter Grace had her 6th birthday party.
The fam. My grandma, my sister, look how cute my little cousin Grace looks! haha Jo was amazed by her wings. My aunt Sun Kyung in the back, and my mom and cousin Geneva are up in there too.
So I put Jo in her crib and I come back and I find her like this! This was a huge shock because I've NEVER seen her get on her knees like this by herself! She doesn't even go into a crawling position by herself I have to do it for her. I don't know if this is a sign that she is getting closer to wanting to crawl or atleast try a bit? I couldn't believe she did this by herself from a sitting position AND she was sitting almost the opposite direction when I left her.
Watch out! She'll be on the move soon! Good luck! You have a beautiful family. I love the fairy wings!
Yeah, Brooke is trying to crawl too.
Yeah, Brooke is trying to crawl too.
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