Today, I cleaned the laundry room. Please note, this room isn't really "ours," it's off of our kitchen but everything in it are my parents-in-laws and I would never have a room that belonged to us this messy haha hence why I even cleaned when it isn't my stuff! The only thing I use it for is to keep the bottles away from the cat and to do the laundry obviously. Here are the before pictures:
And the after pictures:
Whatcha think? I think it's definitely an improvement but I wanted to get a lot more in depth but Josephine was not allowing that. For the time being, I think I deserve a pat on the back haha.
Jo has been having VERY messy feedings lately. I can't get the spoon near her mouth without her grabbing it or without her putting her hands in her mouth and it's just VERY messy haha here is a before picture:
annnnd after....
Here are HILARIOUS videos of the feeding in which you get to see Jo make the mess you see in the pictures above. I love them. (If the video still doesn't show it's still there, you just have to press play). My camera only lets me video tape 1 minute at a time that's why they're so many...
She looks like Popeye with that spoon hanging out of her mouth! Too cute!
laundry toom looks good! I am a clean freak too!!! Keira makes the same noises when she is eating!! You are nicer than me- I only let keira hold a clean spoon while she is eating- I can't deal with the stuff all over her clothes!!! great videos!
I didn't let her hold a spoon full of food on PURPOSE haha she grabbed it from me and all hell broke loose, it was too late to turn back haha.
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