Jo is obsessed with this new show on PBS Sprout called 'Bounce.' It's a young woman who is a "certified musical therapist" (whatever that may be) and there is a lot of singing involved and Jo LOVES music so she enjoys this show very much. I put it on this morning and she stopped mid-crawl and watched for a few minutes without moving out of this position:
Here's Jo playing with her Little People train in the kitchen as I prepared her breakfast. I just love the bow in her hair haha
Jo had a BLAST playing with Abby upstairs. She was particulary entertained by a stool that was in the den (as you will see in the videos).
Jo does the "Awww" head tilt a lot during meals for some reason. And she does it even without anyone saying "Awww" or anything like that. I love this picture, she was tilting her head and waving her arms all over the place.
This morning I wanted to take Jo on a walk to the market to pick up a few things. I checked the weather (online and on TV) and both said that it was going to rain, pretty much constantly, until 1pm and then it'd stop for the day. Well... I waited... and I waited, and it never rained. In fact, it didn't rain once all day (although it did look like it was going to any minute all day) so I didn't end up taking our walk till around 4. I was thinking 'watch it start to downpour half way through my walk.'
But thankfully it didn't.
After Jo's bath I wrapped her in a towel and it just so happened that the way I carried her into the bedroom was like I was holding a newborn so I just sat down and held her like she was a tiny little baby haha. I thought it was so cute. She was getting tired, thus why she tolerated this behavior and position.
And ofcourse Jo thought she was all set once she got dried off and started to crawl off...
And look at this cutie! I LOVE THIS PICTURE! This is her after she had her hair combed, got lotioned all up, and dressed in her jammies.
so many cute pics!!! You should teach Jo to suck her thumb! Then you wont have to run in and pop her paci back in! :o) Is she just doing the one nap thing??-tanya
Very cute pictures, videos and man.. don't you sometimes long for the days of cuddling up with the little baby!!! I love bath time.. except for tonight when Jenna decided to POOP in the tub... YUCK.. it was a quick evacuation to get Jackson out of the tub so he didn't vomit! YUCK.. hated cleaning that up.
Yeah, Jo still takes just 1 nap a day. No way would she be tired enough to take 2. The key is to get her to take a GOOD one nap.
Very cute pics! I am glad she was better today. Samantha is down to just one good nap, but on occasion, if she is very active she will take another late day nap. Hope that works for you for a while and lets her get some much needed rest!
I love the pics! I love when you hold her like a newborn, all wrapped up! Cute!
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