Here is Jo yesterday with the new toy that Daddy bought her at work. She LOVES it, I knew she would. I've been looking at it online for about a month now and I kept telling Rob we should get it someday because I thought she'd really enjoy it, and she does! In the 2nd picture you can kind of see her trying to climb on top of it...
And eventually she succeeded haha. Yes, I officially have a climber on my hands. I think when she realized she could go up the stairs... she also realized she could climb other things. So ever since then she's constantly trying to lift her left up onto things. And today I walked into the living room and found her basically laying on her stomach on top of the acitivity table. It was pretty funny but I did not get a picture in time.
Here are a few other cute random pictures from yesterday. The last 3 are great haha Jo likes to go "OOOOOOOOH OOOOOOOOH" a lot and that is the face she makes when she says that.
After we went to the social security office we went to a little park that was across the street. Here I am with Jo infront of a pretty fountain...
As a joke I put Jo in the front seat and strapped her up while Rob packed up the trunk after our walk instead of putting her in her carseat. Rob cooperated and pretended he was driving while I took this picture haha
Once Rob got in the car and sat down and closed his door and everything I think Jo thought she was really going to get to ride up front haha she started getting all excited!
In other news, today was my due date! And in 3 days is Jo's birthday! I can't believe her party is next Sunday! AHHHH!
We have that same activity table...It was a lucky find at a garage sale down the street...the lasy was selling it for 5 bucks and i could not get the money out of my pocket quick enough...Brooke loves it. we have started climbing too, last night we were trying to clim out of the tub...she kept swinging her leg over the side...we have started calling her awful ka-naw-ful as a paraody to evil kaneevel...she is such a little daredeveil.
You take the cutest pictures!! Jo is getting to be such a big girl. Your earlier post reminded me that I should probably put away our bibs too..I love the new look of your blog!!!
Definately climbing here too. Love Jo's green outfit.
Cute! My sister has that table and all the kids love it! By the way, it took me 2 years to officially become a Woodward! haha! It is just too much work to go through that it took 2 years to muster up the strength to go to Social Security and the DMV!
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