Friday night I put Jo in the jumperoo for the first time in quite awhile. Because usually she does not like being confined in any way now that she's on the go. But I think she sort of rediscovered it because as you can see, she had a blast!
Then we headed off to RI and half way through the trip Josephine threw up. Ugh... this is her 4th time getting car sick. It was not a pretty situation, we were about 2 or 3 minutes away from our destination and I had to take Josephine out of her carseat and take her clothes off and sit her next to me in the backseat. So for about 2 minutes she wasn't in her carseat and she was so freaked out. She was all better when we pulled into the grocery store where we meet my sister half way and Rob took her for a walk in the parking lot and she was wearing just a diaper haha. So here is a picture of Jo in her new clean outfit with a garbage bag sticking out because it was covering the nasty bottom of her carseat. Then when we got to RI Jo got a new pair of sunglasses from Grammy and she had a lot of fun playing with those, my sister's jewlery and then I whiped out the bubbles! haha
Then we went outside with Auntie Allyson...
I sat Jo on top of the back of my brother's girlfriend's car and the next thing I knew she was crawling up on top of the car!
Here's a picture of Jo sleeping Saturday night because I just think she is sooo cute when she's asleep. We have to put her on the floor in my sister's old bedroom until everyone else goes to sleep then I move her in the front room with me for the night. It was so funny because now that she rolls around SOOO much in her sleep I'd go in there to check on her and she'd be asleep... but like on the other side of the room haha.
And then, ofcourse, Kim and baby Layla came to visit. We took the babies on a walk and stopped at a playground.
Here are some pictures from yesterday. In a few of them Jo is doing the "Awww" head tilt, haha it's so freakin' funny!
And finally here is a picture from today but unfortuantly this was before I put Jo's new pretty bow in her hair haha.
Right now there are people from Lowe's putting in our new screen door and it is LOOOOOUD. This is going on pretty much right outside the room Jo is sleeping in and I am shocked she is still sleeping! It seems as though everytime we're getting something big delivered, or something installed, or some sort of construction... it has to happen when Jo is napping!
Thats awful that she gets carsick.. :o( Poor Jo. I love the sunglasses pictures!!!
So glad to finally hear how the trip went. Great pictures!
Love all the pictures! I miss her already! Dad made invitations to Jo's party at auntie Danette's- they are hilarious I'll e-mail them to you... see you soon!
~Auntie Ally
Great pics! We get interruptions constantly during naptime now that its summer. Mostly its the lawnmowers running right outside her window. But most of the time, she sleeps through it too! I love how she can just fall asleep anywhere :)
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