Today I put Jo in a onsie just to see if it still fit her, because it's 6-9 months and I'm trying to make room by putting away what doesn't fit her, well it did. Funny thing is, when Jo was just a few days old, I put her in the same onsie because for some reason I thought it said 0-3 months but I kept her in it anyway even though it was huge on her at the time. SO, I created these pictures I took of her when she was just a few days old in the same onsie haha check it out...


What a cutie! That binkie looks so huge in that little baby's mouth haha.
And here are some cute pictures from yesterday morning before all hell broke loose and Jo spent most of the day crying!

And Jo just ate something off the floor, and I don't know what it was...
She has changed so much since she got here. I remember when I first brought Brooke home wondering what she would like as she got older...some pics she favors and some she def looks like a different kid. That is neat that you have that pic to compare to.
Wow what a cute baby! Is it possible that she has gotten cuter every day! haha! Hope things are better for Jo!
Seriously Keira and jo looked so much alike as newborns. That straight dark hair!!! I would say she has grown a bit since she wore that onesie last!!
She was so perfect when she was born and if it's possible, has gotten cuter every day she's been here! I love the new pics, her eyes are so gorgeous! I don't think they are going to change!
~Auntie Ally
Also, remember when I accidently gave her brownie off the floor??? That's so funny she ate something off the floor that's a mystery... oh well it adds character! LOL
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