Jo didn't waste any time getting into all of my Dad's electronics and stuff. My parents house is basically the opposite of "baby proofed" so she just had a ball! haha she managed to break a wine glass. And to think, she spilt all her wine! What a waste... haha just kidding ofcourse!
Then Jo just explored and we helped Auntie Ally pack since she was leaving for Chicago in a few hours...
Then we went on a loooong walk through Roger Williams Park which is right down the street from my parent's house. I would just die for a park like this to be down the street from my house!!!! I grew up near this park so it's very dear to my heart! I LOVE IT. It was designed by the same guy who designed Central Park in NYC and is almost just as big (it even has a huge zoo in it just like Central Park!) It's sooo beautiful. So we walked all over it with my bestfriend Kim and her baby Layla. Here we are out and about...
Then we went home and got ready for bed. I set up Jo's tent travel bed and she had some last minute fun emptying the bag my late birthday gift from my brother's girlfriend came in haha her favorite thing to do!
Here is a funny picture that was taken this morning of me brushing Jo's teeth...
Jo continued getting into everything and then we headed out to this beautiful park ( a different one) that is in a really cute part of Cranston (my hometown in RI)
I zoomed in on this person's backyard because it was just so pretty! haha
Check out this hair do!
Okay, now get ready for some major cuteness!!! Sorry the indoor pictures are sorta dark, I got a new camera and didn't realize it was on the wrong setting. Anyway, my mother's friend came over and look what she gave Jo!
That's right! An adorable dress with a matching doll dress. I LOVE IT!
Here is a picture of Jo with my grandmother. Jo kept trying to get her to pick her up but my grandmother was afraid because she thought she'd drop her. So she sat down and Jo reached out so I sat Jo on her lap and ofcourse... she instantly wanted down! haha she doesn't stay still for a minute!
Then we headed to a mall where we were going to meet Rob half way between Boston and Cranston. I timed it so Jo would take a 2nd nap in the car on the way there, so she didn't go to bed until 9:45 pm, which was expected.
And then we made it home! Hooray! =)
THat park looks beautiful!!!!!!! Jo's matching dress is so cute!!! Looks like Jo had alot of fun exploring a new place. Keira would have a ball finding new stuff to get into!
What a cute dress! Looks like fun!
What a cute dress! Looks like fun!
i love her dress. she lookes so cute with her doll.
Man the grass is so green in that park.....Ours is so dead looking. I love the doll and dress, did she make them to match or buy them like that?
She bought them! When we were at the mall though everyone was asking me if I made them haha
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