We went to Costco yesterday and they had my favorite thing out! Fleece, footed Carter's PJs. My FAVORITE PJs for Jo! I always stock up when I see them at Costco because they have them for $7.49!!! So I got her a couple pair of those for the winter and 2 other Carter's one piece outfits they had for $6.49! I love Costco <3 haha These pictures are a little blurry but I love them, she sat in the carriage and inspected every inch of her new clothes for like a good 15 minutes haha she was trying to put them on and just absolutely loving it, she is such a girl!
That was the only time she wanted to sit still in Costco. Then she wanted to get down and run around without holding my hand so I had to run with her, then she wanted to be picked up, then she wanted to get down again, then she wanted to get in the carriage, then she wanted to be picked up, then she wanted to get down and so on and so on and so on hahaha
Last night we went to see Celine Dion in concert! It was just as spectacular as you'd expect it to be. That is one crazy woman!!! haha What I thought was REALLY cool was that the stage was right in the center of the floor, EVERYONE had a great seat!!! I've been to A LOT of concerts in my time and I've never seen a stage in the center like this, the pictures I tried to take of it didn't come out so I took a quick video of it so I could show my husband and everyone...
Not to mention how many hundreds and hundreds of more tickets she got to sell by having her stage in the center. Usually a quarter of the place is empty because of how big the stages are and how many seats they block on the end so obviously they can't put those seats up for sale. This way she got to sell alllllll around the stadium.
i looooove celin dion. i am glad you had fun.
You know how I feel about Costco, so I don't need to tell you that I am ashamed of your empty basket! There is NO room for kids in the basket when I go! They have great deals on kid's clothes! LOVE IT! Looks like a fun concert - I haven't been to one in a while!
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