Today we went to Home Depot to order the carpet for our room. Carpet is sooo expensive... I literally got the cheapest one they had... other than the stuff you can get cut off the roll right there, that was actually only 55 cents a square foot! But they didn't have any neutral colors so we had to look at swatches and special order one. The guy said "What kind of carpet are you looking for?" and I said "the cheapest one you have." haha it was $1.19 a square foot I think, but I like it! It's really not bad at all. I'm so excited for Friday and for the contractors to come back and start working again! haha Here is a cute picture of Jo on the ride to Home Deport and the grocery store...
And here is a GREAT video I captured this morning. I got Jo to say most of the words she knows. We missed a few but I got most of them and I'm so glad because I suck at getting things on video, I always miss everything! I love the way she says "baby" it's just so adorable so I try to get her to do it again at the end but she was too distracted, I lost her haha.
So cute! What a talker! She speaks very clearly - reminds me so much of how Taylor was.
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