Yesterday I decided to take Jo on a walk to the public library. We've been there once before and they have a cute baby/toddler room. Figured it'd be a good way to get Jo out of the house for awhile. It was somewhat disastrous! I sorta forgot exactly where it was and had to ask 2 people for directions so we sorta walked out of our way. It's REALLY not a bad walk if you know exactly where it is, which I now do. Then, there are 2 ways to get back, both equal distances back to the house and I took the way that I didn't take on the way there. BIG MISTAKE! It took me... wait for it... TWENTY MINUTES TO CROSS THE STREET! Yes, 20 minutes! It was such a busy street with never ending traffic going every way. I pressed the button to cross the street and when it said walk, not all the sides of the intersection stopped! I'm like umm, how am I supposed to cross the street? It stops 2 sides but the other 2 just go full speed. What am I supposed to do? I walk down the street a little bit to where it's just 2 lanes of traffic not an intersection but there was not a break in the flow of cars at all and no one was letting me go. Finally, 20 minutes later, I cross NOT AT A CROSSWALK which usually I would never do because one side of the street had no cars coming and the other side a lady was letting me go. When I go across, a guy sitting on the steps of a store said to me "How long did it just take you to cross the street?" the answer? "A LONG TIME!" haha needless to say, I'll never take that way back again!!!

Check out those chairs if you can see them, they're very neat! And I don't know why Jo is giving me such a funny look in the last picture haha she looks so uncomfortable or something!
One of Jo's favorite activities is to empty the little DVD stand we have in the kitchen that holds all of the "Jo DVDs" she does this numerous times a day and I clean it up just to let her do it again a little later. But, it has taken her a very long time for her to find the tiny cabinet on the bottom. I'm surprised it took her this long! I guess it just blends in! So she found my hiding spot for little odd and ends that I have no other place for. Good thing everything was baby friendly!

That library looks awesome!!! Our city has a huge library and the children's section is sooo lame. Its like gray painted walls.. no color, no toys... terrible.
I know how you feel about crossing the street. Sometimes I get stuck in the middle of the street with the stroller because no one will STOP! so annoying since I am in a crosswalk and its the law!
That is sooo much better than our library. When I say little - I mean little. The whole library could fit into my family room and dining room! It is a satellite building from the main library, but the good thing is, there is never anyone there. So, my loud kids don't bother anyone! haha! Jo does look extra uncomfortable in that picture! Too funny!
Haha, after all your pics and talking about emptying the DVD's the last pic looks like she is walking off like job well done...Mom I emptied the DVD's on the floor for you.
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