My sister is moving nearby so we went and checked out a few apartment complexes nearby, here is Jo yawning in the car...
Here is Jo playing in her new room today... she loves it!
Here she is with her "mamamama," that's me! haha and a picture of her eating her strawberries, her first course out of many for lunch.
So I have great news to report! I have a child who likes to... wait for it... CLEAN! Yes! THIS IS DEFINITELY MY DAUGHTER! She's always enjoyed having a bin of a bunch of small things so she could slowly take everything out one by one and then slowly put everything back in one by one. But now she actually CLEANS UP HER TOYS! At the end of the night when it's almost bedtime I say "Okay! Time to clean up!" and I start to clean and she follows suit, of course.. I end up re-cleaning once she goes to bed haha since I'm such a freak and have a specific spot for everything. But it is SO cute. She also throws away her own diapers and this I don't even have to say anything to get her to do it! I always change her in the living room and when I do I fold up the diaper and throw it into the kitchen so I'll be able to throw it away in the kitchen whenever I get chance. Well now when ever she sees a folded up diaper on the floor she runs to it and throws it away! But for some reason will only do so in the garbage can that's in our bedroom haha here is a video right after I changed her diaper of her throwing it away, sorry it's so dark, I was using the wrong camera...
ohh poor Jo! Hope she gets some relief soon. teething is such a drag. Looks like she is enjoying all the space her new room offers!
Her room looks like soooooo much fun! I bet she loves it in there! Samantha loves to clean to. Monkey see, monkey do, right?! Yesterday, I caught her picking up each little crumb off the kitchen floor and putting it in the trash can! She even sings, Clean up, clean up when I tell her to clean up the toys. We've created little monsters - clean monsters, but monsters nonetheless!
i love her hair
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