But I do have something to show you all! I got these adorable baskets for Jo's room, I'm going to put them in her bookshelf. I wanted 4 but had to settle for 2!
This whole line was on clearance for 75% off. So I was very tempted to buy other things... and finally gave in. This is the LAST thing Jo needs (next to more clothes) and that is BLANKETS. My weakness is blankets, Jo has a TON. Every time I go to Ikea I buy a blanket, everytime I go to Costco I buy a blanket haha but Jo has so many of her own, she really did not use this but I could not help it, it's going to go with the new theme of her room!
I have taken pics with no memory card in many times.... and all we use is a card reader too. I have done it some many times Mike usually yells out... is the memory card in there!!! I can't wait to see Jo's room all done!
That basket is so cute...I can't wait to see her room either...are doing anything new for your new room?
The only thing we did was buy a new TV. Because the really tiny TV we have in our room now we're just going to keep in Jo's room. Everyone keeps telling me "I bet you're soo excited to decorate your new room!?" and I'm like what are you talking about? we already have everything we need! It's Jo who doesn't have a room of her own so she's the one that doesn't have ANYTHING but a crib and a bureau! Since we're dishing out so much money for this room we're concentrating on Jo's room since we really don't need anything, we're just moving everything in our room now into our new room.
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