She loves to go in the cabinets under the TV stand as you will see here. I don't think there is any baby proofing thing we can buy to keep these glass cabinets closed. I put a bunch of CDs in there that Rob needs to put back into the alphabetical order so they're sorta in a waiting room under there. So we don't mind her going through it as much although at first I was trying to keep her out of there and I'd always say no so now half the time she walks over to it and points and says "NO!" and then the other half of the time she just helps herself...
Here is a picture Rob took of me and Jo in the middle of the night. I hysterically laugh everytime I look at this, if you can, please click on it and enlarge it so you can fully appreciate it haha
It is starting to be Fall! It's been so nice and cool out. I swear, I feel like the seasons change overnight. Like when it became summer I feel like it was just one day all of a sudden where it was really hot and then it was summer! Same thing happened with fall, one day it was a hot summer day and ever since it's been nice cool, Fall days... my favorite! So on our walk today, even though she was wearing shorts, I had to put a little cardigan on her. I didn't realize how breezy and cool it was until we got outside! Dare I say, is it time to pack away the summer clothes! yes, please!
Is it just me or does she look like she's the size of a 4 year old in these pictures!? its because she was slouched so far down in the stroller and had her legs just hanging, she basically wasn't even sitting. So I had to tighten the straps and sorta force her to sit up more. As you can see in the last picture with her kicking her feet, she was sooo far down haha I didn't know what she was doing!
I started putting away K's summer clothes yesterday. It is COLD here in the mornings. I was wondering how you baby proof those cd shelves.. K would have a blast.
That pic of Jo sleeping with you is great!!! Her leg across your chest!
My kids love to take out every single dvd or cd case and spread them all over the floor. They eventually outgrow that at around 4! So, good luck! I LOVE that picture! How did she end up in your bed? And, NO, it is not time to pack away summer clothes! I am going to drag that out as long as possible. I cannot stand cold weather, let alone pants, long sleeve shirts, sweaters. . .
half the time she ends up in our bed in the middle of the night... I know, I know... bad habit. I always say okay bring her in here and when she falls asleep I'll put her back in her crib but I always fall asleep and I'm always way too tired to do anything about it.
Luckily so far she has had no interest in the 2 big black CD cases. She walks right past them and goes to my night stand that has 4 drawers she can go through. Nothing dangerous in there so I think I'm not going to baby proof that and just let her keep going in that if she wants and hopefully it'll keep her disinterested in the CD cases.
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