I was upstairs for awhile, Jo was visiting Nana and Pepe. We came downstairs to start having dinner and I see the red light on my cell phone flashing. *GASP!* My heart started pounding, a missed call!? Could it be...? I look at the number, an unrecognized local number... oh my god! is it...? One new voicemail... "Hello Caroline, this is Home Depot, your special order is in and can be picked up at the special orders desk." YES!
YES! YES! YES! MY RUG IS HERE! MY RUG IS HERE!!!! haha I ran upstairs and was running up and down the hallway, shaking my fists in the air like I just won a marathon and my father-in-law goes "the rug is here, isn't it?" hahaha YES IT IS! I had a good feeling that kid I talked to this morning didn't really know what he was talking about! I'm so excited, but still pretty pissed because I was upset about this all day long, for nothing! But who cares!!!??? My room is back to being done on SUNDAY!
Today they sanded the walls more and put up all the primer, don't ask me why these pictures are so dark... I don't know what's up with this camera! But the walls are actually white, even though it may not look it here.

Here is the pipe on the ceiling that looks like it's going to have to stay in our room. The original plan was to put basically a little box on top of it haha but I guess they can't. They're going to try and make it blend in as best as possible and paint it all white. It's a small price to pay, I don't mind!!!

And here is all the dust that traveled into my kitchen and then proceeded to get tracked through the whole house haha

And here is a video of Jo getting in trouble!!!
1 comment:
OMG- I hate construction dust. Its the biggest pain to clean up!!!
That video is cute. keira carrys food around in her hand for a bit before eating it too! I swear K and jo are related!!! The voices and 'babbling" sounds so similar!
CAn't wait to see it all done on Sunday!
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