Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So our new screen door is officially installed! I'm so happy because our old screen door, as you can see, was extremely old and didn't even have a screen in it... sooo it wasn't technically a "screen door" I guess. Our new door has a roll screen so you can choose whether to have all window or half window/half screen. Check out the before and after... And here are pictures of Jo in the pool yesterday. This was her first time going in the pool. She was a little hesitant at first, and wouldn't sit down instead she was just squatting in the pool haha. Eventually she sat down and was splashing around and she even crawled around in the pool! I was shocked that she crawled because usually she is FURIOUS if any water gets on her face or head and so I didn't think she'd want to get so close and personal with the water but she didn't mind it at all in the pool... but lets see how she is next time she has a bath! haha I love this video, this is when she was first put in the pool. It's horrible but my husband turns on the hose at the end with the mist and she gets scared and falls haha I think it's hilarious but it's sad at the same time.
And here's Jo talking to her Nana and then getting scared when Daddy comes to add more hot water.
And finally, a great video of Jo once she got used to the pool. Haha you can see she's definitely having fun now...

Here is Josephine's Birthday Tiara that I got at Gymboree. You can't see it in these pictures but above the pink boa portion of the tiara it says "Birthday Girl" in pink letters. It's sooo cute! I HAD to get it.

The reason why the title of this post is "Uggh..." is because today was a VERY rough day with Jo. She was just NOT happy. I don't know what was wrong but whatever it was... it bothered her all day. She opened the "baby cabinet" on her own today and I just let her have at it while I tried to clean the kitchen floor. Well... I should have thought about it a little more and removed a few items before I let her empty it because she emptied a whole package of Goldfish Baby on the floor. She also learned how to open the Gerber Puffs but I took them away before she emptied those too.

I hope everyone else had a better day than we did. Lets hope tomorow is better!


MommyKW said...

I am so glad she liked the pool. It took us a few attempts, but now Samantha loves her little pool. I am hoping that when the weather allows her to get into the big pool, she cooperates and has fun! I hope Jo is feeling better today. Rough days for her are even rougher for you, I can imagine!

Anonymous said...

I love the tiara, you should have her wear it at her party on the fourth! She's a little princess!!!

Sara said...

isn't it so funny how they just like to empty everything!!??? so much cleanup for all of us afterwards!!

The Real EMO said...

The pool looks great. We have to get Keira one!!! Poor Jo.. Maybe she is teething? Keira has been a cranky pants lately too although I thinks its because of her leg. yesterday I took her for a walk in the rain because it kept her quiet! I love the baby cabinent. All my kitchen cabinents are Keiras favorite toys!!

Caroline said...

Oh I just call it the "baby cabinet" because it's all of her stuff inside it haha she opens ALL of the cabinets and empties them out.... she does not discriminate! haha