Then all of a sudden Jo had a pretty rough morning. She started crying and crying and SOMETHING was bothering her big time. Still don't know what it was! Combined with the fact that Jo was exhausted, it didn't make for a fun few hours. For some readon Jo will wake up, be perfectly fine... have her breakfast... but come 10:00 or so she all of a sudden gets EXHAUSTED. But I can't put her down for her nap that early because she'll get way too tired way too early in the evening. The earliest I put her down for her nap is usually around 11:15. And that's still pushing it...
So Jo slept for an hour and a half and woke up very refreshed. She had lunch... let me tell you, I know I've said it before, but this child can EAAAAT. She ate a toooooooooooooooooooooon of veggies, then a bunch of watermelon, some raisins, and then a yummy cookie Nana gave her. Then Jo enjoyed eating what had fallen on her chair...
Look at that dirty face!
Then Jo took her dirty face to go play in the fridge.
Jo's new thing is when you say "yaaaaaay!" She either says it to and clap or she'll throw her hands in the air like this and say "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" hahahahahaha I love it!
And here's a video of me trying to get her to do it but ofcourse she doesn't haha well she does a little bit but not all the way!
And another, just random and boring, video I took of Jo in the car on the way to the mall. She was sorta tapping her foot and bobbing her head to the music, it was cute haha.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd.... introducing.... Jo's first pair of walking shoes!
We went to StrideRite. The first pair we tried one were a little too bulky and too stiff. These are a lot lighter and easier for her to move around in. At first she wouldn't do anything, she wouldn't move at all! haha but now she's crawling and standing fine in them.
Hope everyone had a great day!
LOVE the shoes!!! Very cute. Keira LOVES to play in the fridge but I don't let her if its too full and then she whines everytime I take her away.
I love those shoes! She seems to like them too- pretty soon she'll be running alllll over the place!
Cute shoes! Let me know how they work - if they help. With Blake, after only hearing no shoes, no shoes from everyone - my pediatrician recommended that we get him a good pair of walking shoes and he started walking within a week.
I thought about that. I mostly got them because when she's playing outside... she's so mobile now I can't let her wonder around in just socks or barefoot and to protect her little feet when she's playing with her cousin who's a little rough haha but when I see her in them they seem to create a better sense of balance, she just seems to stand so solid in them.
So cute...Brooke has been saying Yay and she throws her hands in the air and then claps right after it....whats funny is when she does after something she really likes...yesterday was Chris birthday and when she was eating her piece of cake we got a lot of Yay.
I love the shoes... what do stride rite shoes run in cost??? I love the video with the song in the background.. she looked soo content just hanging out in the car. Green is my favorite color and Jo looks soo cute in it!
They are pretty pricey for baby shoes. Jo's were $48 and the cheapest ones I saw were $38. But Jo needed a wide shoe because she has a high in-step and her feet don't go into normal everyday shoes that you find at like Target or something.
Jenna is the same with her feet...maybe I will have to spring for a spendy pair since I know that is what she needs. I can't even CRAM her feet into ANY pairs at target or walmart.. and I have tried them ALL!
Oh I looooove the shoes - great pick!!!
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