Today was the 4th day of construction. They stayed until 5! Usually they leave around 2:30 or 3! They got a lot done, as usual. When I put Jo down for her nap they started working on replacing the door that goes from our kitchen to our future bedroom. This door is RIGHT outside our room where Jo was sleeping. It was sooooo loud, they wear tearing out the whole door way and using a table saw to cut the door constantly and it was just A LOT louder than usual because usually that door is closed and their working behind it in the garage. Well... Jo slept through the WHOLE thing. Not only that but she even took a longer than usual nap! haha it's like the extremely loud construction helped her sleep better, maybe I should record some of the sounds and play it while she sleeps! Imagine that?
Then when she woke up and walked out of the bedroom she saw them standing right there working and they started using the table saw. She gave them a wicked dirty look and started waving and going "bye... bye... bye" she just wanted them GONE! I thought she was going to keep getting scared or something but all of a sudden she became obsessed with watching them. She'd go sit right in the doorway and watch and nothing was startling her in the least bit! Not even the table saw or anything, she just sat there and talked to them. I kept trying to bring her into the living room so she wouldn't be in their way but she would run right back. I took my eyes off of her for 2 minutes and when I looked back she was in the middle of the room where they were working haha
Here are some cute videos from today. Here is Jo helping me wash the table, it's good to start them out young! haha
Josephine could hear Zoe the dog barking upstairs and she pointed to the ceiling, said "Ooey" and started barking like a dog. She did it long enough for me to grab the camera and catch the best part on video! Then when I ask her to do it again she gets distracted by her "ballball" which is her balloon. If she's referring to a ball she says "ball" but she has designated "ballball" just for balloons! haha
On to the construction!

They replaced the whole door way and frame and door that leads from our kitchen to our future bedroom. I REALLY like this color door, when we replace the other doors in our apartment we're going to match them to this because it looks sooo much better than the really dark doors we have.

They started the set in shelf, there is going to be 2 shelfs and they are adjustable to all different heights. I LOVE IT! I can't wait to put picture frames and all cute stuff on it! It's pretty deep too, looove it. They always got the moldings up around it.

They got the moldings up around the window as well. I also LOVE this window sill, it's so deep, it needs a nice cat sitting on it haha.

They also put up the moldings around most of the room. They hooked up all the electricity so all the outlets and the thermostat works. They also painted half the ceiling but then ran out of paint so they'll continue later. It's starting to look good!!!