Friday, September 12, 2008


I am sooo enjoying the new cool weather. I just do not like the heat, so uncomfortable! I love this crisp, cool air. My perfect weather for a walk! I gave Jo a nice blanket to snuggle with and we went on a nice walk today =)

We spent most of the day next door playing with Ayden today, where Jo tried a new food! I have never given her asparagus before but Ayden's great-grandmother gave Jo some and just as I expected, she gobbled it up! Here are some pictures from earlier today before nap time...

Here are two random videos from yesterday. I swear... this child doesn't need any toys... just a pile of blankets and pillows! We always throw all our blankets and pillows from our bed onto the floor and she loves cuddling in it and running really fast and just throwing herself into the pile haha

Okay... won't let me post the 2nd video... tomorrow!


k's mama said...

She is funny in that video!! its Hot here today.. humid too.

Mehrazar said...

she is such a cutie. give her a kiss from me and Mina.

Tracy said...

#1 WHERE did you get that outfit??? #2 I LOVE that picture of her on her knees with the passy in and looking with BIG eyes right into the camera.. tooo cute. It is cool here too.. almost wish it would freeze so the bees would go away!!! ARG

Caroline said...

That's a Garanimals outfit!

MommyKW said...

So cute! Her hair is to die for! I love her hair in that video!

Sara said...

These are some of the cutest pics ever!! She's getting to be such a big girl - awwwww!!