Jo had her 15 month appointment. She weighs 25 1/2 pounds and is 31 1/2 inches tall! Then we had to go across the street to the hospital and she had to get 2 vials of blood taken for the lead test she was supposed to get at 12 months but we just never went. It was a pretty traumatic day but she got over everything really fast and as usual had absolutely no reactions to any of the shots.
Here is another hot topic in the Belliveau world lately, BABY PROOFING!... AGAIN! I feel like every month we have to do more and more just to keep up with her. She's really starting to be able to reach a whole new level of things. I've had to move a lot lately because everywhere I moved things to get them out of her reach in the first place she can reach now! Another thing we have to do is baby proof out furniture with those things you use to attach the furniture to the wall... she is climbing EVERYTHING!!! Well.. she tries to climb everything and half the time is successful! I literally can not take my eyes off of her for a second now because you never know what she'll climb on top of and then just fall off of. Her bedroom is pretty safe... for now. But the kitchen and the living room... I just really have to be watching her every second. Ugh... I just thought of something... it's probably going to be any day now she tries to climb into the bath tub! Just gonna have to keep the bathroom door closed for now!
Jo is also teething REALLY badly. Still has 11 teeth, but those big ones on the side are taking so long to fully come in, she is in so much pain! She was also really constipated for a few days there which cumulated with a REALLY terrifying event that I won't get into detail with on here but it seems as though that has past. After tomorrow I'll know for sure.
Here are some pictures from the day before yesterday. Jo is obsessed with balls and balloons. She says "ball" but when she sees a balloon she calls it a "ball-ball." Well she saw a ball-ball on TV and was walking around saying it all day so I blew up an extra balloon I had from her birthday.
Here she is, with one pig tail out, showing off her beeeeeautiful collection of jewels. She puts them on all by herself, then takes them off and puts them back in her purse... then take them out of her purse and put them on me etc. etc. haha
And you know Jo is tired when she's just chillin' in her bean bag chair..,
Yesterday, we happen to go upstairs while Nana was in the middle of eating an ice cream cone. So ofcourse Jo naturally gravitates towards her and just pretty much eats her ice cream for her haha here is her ice cream goatee...
Here are some pictures from today... you see what I mean about her wanting to climb, that includes climbing into things! Luckily she has mastered climbing out of that little pink bin, she used to just stand there whining for me.
And now for some videos! YAAAY!
This first one is hysterical. It's her trying to climb onto the kitchen and I started recording because she kept trying but she also kept going "nooo.... no.. nooo" while she was doing it because obviously, that's what I was telling her while she was trying. She thinks that as long as she's letting me know she understands she's not supposed to do it then it's okay to do it as long as she's saying "no" while doing so. She'll go up to things she knows she shouldn't touch, and she doesn't!, but she just stands there and waves her hands in front of it and goes "no! nooo... no!" Luckily she has not done this again nor as she even tried... yet...
yey, you r back. sorry she s having a hard time with teething. Mina is working on 4 right now 2 are almost out but the other 2 are still huge bumps.
I love the ice cream goatee! too cute! And, I have to say it again, she has the BEST HAIR! I love the videos and the way she is trained at the no, no! Very funny! And, I guess now Samantha can say - What a shrimp! She needs to gain a pound and a half to catch up to where Samantha was 2 months ago! I guess I really do have a huge baby!
25 lbs?? Wow!!! K is teething too
Man our kids are growing up soo fast. Jenna loves her jewelry and purse also. Oh.. yah.. and Ice cream too! Jenna was doing that yesterday with the saying "no". Funny how they are going through the same things. Jenna has two of her 1 year molars... OUCH!
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