Look at that face!!! Sure she's holding a green towel... but look at that face! haha I LOOOVE this picture, I'm going to get an 8x10 framed, LOVE IT!
Jo got a bucket of little animals as a party favor at her cousin's 2nd birthday party. My husband thinks she shouldn't play with them because she'll swallow them and I personally think that there is no way she's swallowing these haha so I promised to supervise her play. But she LOVES them. These pictures also show her new talent of putting a toy in her mouth and then just let it hang out of her mouth like a puppy haha.
And here is Jo just being a silly goose. She is so much happier since she started napping better! It makes for a happy mommy too! =)
So Jo started doing a few new things yesterday. She can now sit up in a full sitting position from laying flat. All those sit ups she's been doing have finally paid off! I don't think she can do it without having something to grab on to to get her up that final inch but when she's in her crib she can do it really well. She also was standing in her playard yesterday, holding on to the edge, and she started useing the edge to walk around the playard. She did like 2 laps around the whole thing! Slowly but surely, she did it!
So there is one particular reason why I am excited for Josephine's first birthday party. THE CAKE! So there is a place around here that makes amazing... AMAZING cakes. They are like... $100 but hey, your kid only has a birthday once a year, I can deal with it! Here are my neice's first birthday and second birthday cake from the amazing cake making place called Cakes 4 Occasions...

Are they amazing or what? I went on the website to look at all the cakes they have in their catalog and it's just insane, I can't wait!!!
And here are some random pictures of Jo wearing her new pink shoes and a hat that she got as a present when she was born and it's still too big for her haha
And finally... here is a video of Josephine going INSAAAAANE in her jumperoo haha too funny...
OMG... I love that picture of Jo.. absolutly adorable!!! she is soo cute!
I love the picture. She is adorable. I think all of her pictures are cute, though. These girls are getting sooo big sooo fast! Those cakes are fantastic. I'm jealous! I wish we could get a cake like that!
That is a great pic!! I love that outfit! its adorable! Keira does that toy hanging out of the mouth like a puppy thing too! It cracks me up. Funny video. LOVE THE CAKES!!!
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