So tomorrow we are going to my neice's birthday party! She's turning 2! Jo is going to look so cute, I'm going to put her in this red dress that she wore on Christmas. You know I'll definitely be taking pictures haha. Before we go we're stoping at Old Navy to get Jo some new clothes... even though it seems like she has more than me! (Seriously... she doesn't have enough room in her drawers so my bureau is COVERED with piles of her clothes right now, it's the worst right after I do laundry) but she outgrowing all her pants, they are all too short for her. They go up to almost her knees when she sits down. She's just growing tall wise so fast! I have things that fit her around like t-shirts and stuff that fit her fine and are 3-6 months and 6-9 months but anything length wise is just off the charts. I have to buy 18 months stuff now! Anyway, what do you think of the bathing suit I want to buy her? It's between that one and this one but I'm leaning toward the first one. Can you tell I can't wait for summer!!! Or atleast for the weather to get a little bit better. I never cared about the weather or summer or whatever season it was before I had a baby but now that I have Jo, I want to go outside and play! haha
Rob brought home Jo a balloon from work the other day and she LOOOVES it. She is amazed that she can control it by holding on the string haha
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Even though it seems like everyone will be staying indoors...
I like the fish bathing suit! But they are both cute. Its so funny about the balloon. We just went to a bridal shower and they had balloons there that Keira loved playing with.
I say . . . get them both! But that's my problem! Samantha loves balloons now, too. We had ordered balloons for my birthday and they are still here, so the kids have been playing non-stop with balloons. Love the cupboard pictures. Samantha is in mostly 18 month stuff now too! BIG GIRLS!
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