Before I finished dressing Jo today I thought she looked so cute just in her onsie and socks:
Then I had to get her all the way dressed... I thought she looked just so pretty in this picture!
So I was talking to Josephine and she couldn't see me over the high part of the playard and so she stood on her tippity toes to see me haha I thought it was cute:
Jo is getting really good at her new tricks! She is so good at waving. She even knows the words "wave" "say byebye" or "say hi" because she waves everytime I say these things. She also has started waving... ALL THE TIME. haha it is SOOOO funny. In the store, as I'm pushing her around, she is just sitting there with her arm up waving haha it's like she's a politician or a beauty pageant winner in a parade. She also sometimes will do a double handed wave haha. Then in the car, on the way home, she sat in her carseat was just waving to everyone outside the window... THE WHOLE WAY HOME. It is just TOO funny. I must get it on video!
She also was sitting in her playard today and got up on her knees and managed to pull herself up into a standing position in the playard! This is a bigger accomplishment than pulling herself up in the crib because the edge in the playard is so much higher, I was impressed! And when she is standing, holding on to the edge, she can let go with one hand... bend down... pick up a toy... and stand back up. Very skilled!
So cute! She is quite a mover! I am going to be ordering the book online. Can't wait to get it! Her website is fantastic!
I am waiting for keira to wave... I love how cute babies look in just a onesie.. you can see all their rolls. :o)
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