Then, when she was up for the day. She'd be perfectly fine and content and then all of a sudden start crying and then calm down after awhile and be fine again. I was very curious as to what was going on so we went to the doctors. Turns out... NOTHING is wrong. They checked her ears, they were fine. They took a throat swab (because I have a sore throat, I thought maybe she might too?) it came back negative. I can't imagine that this is teething because even though she may be as cranky as ever because of teething during the day she has always been able to sleep at night. I'm PRAYING for a better night tonight! AHHH!
Here are some pictures of Jo playing with her balloon tonight. My lord, does she love this thing! haha
Annnnnd Jo playing with her feet... the best toy!
And some more random pictures from yesterday and today...
uggg! Poor you! I hope you get some sleep tonight!!!!
She looks really miserable from not getting enough sleep (haha - just kidding!) I feel sorry for you. I hope you can get some more sleep - maybe even a nap today! Remember, stay consistent - she might be testing you to see if you'll give in and stay up with her! Never know!
I hope you got some sleep last night.
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