Tonight I was really, really, really disappointment and annoyed when I went to Target. I've been on this quest for pants for Jo. I don't want jeans, or khakis... or any "real" pants like that because they never fit Jo around the waist, even if they have an elastic waist they are still way to tight and just uncomfortable. So I was looking for simple stretchy pants. Just like what she's wearing in this picture:
I really don't think I'm asking for much! Yet I CAN NOT FIND THEM ANYWHERE! I have been EVERYWHERE. And everyone only has shorts or jeans etc.... ahhhhh!!! So I went to Target where the pants in this picture were purchased. When I got these, I got the same ones in about 5 colors, they had A LOT of them. And so I figured they would have some... well let me tell you, not only did they not have them but they didn't have a SINGLE pair of pants in the entire baby clothing department!!!!!! I thought I'd astleast find the Carters pants that come in a package... NOTHING. NOTHING!!!!!! What is going on? Do they still make pants for babies!? haha
I am happy to report that I accomplished my mission for socks for Jo at Target today. Target brand socks are the best! I finally moved all her old, small pairs that hardly fit her out of her sock draw and replaced them with many new pairs of socks that fit her just fine =) But then... I was once again disappointed haha. I wanted to buy a new pair of slippers because some how I lost one and can not find it anywhere... and I have looked everywhere! The last time I went to Target they had an entire aisle in the shoe department of just slippers, this time... nothing! NONE! Oh well... maybe next time! My mother-in-law said she hates this particular Target and they never have nothing, so I'll just try one of the other million that around here.
One thing we did get Jo was a pair of reading glasses. They were $1!Anyway... allow me to explain haha... Jo loves NOTHING more than to take people's glasses off and eat them. But the joy is in the action of taking them off people's faces. If you pick her up and you have glasses on, she goes RIGHT for them. I don't let her play with mine since they were very... very expensive haha but she plays with her Nana's all the time because she just buys the cheap pairs, which she's better off doing between Jo and Abby taking them from her all the time haha so here is Jo enjoying her new pair of glasses and taking them off of us...
And here is Jo having a blast with an empty box! This seriously kept her perfectly entertained for about 20 minutes haha
That is such a good idea about the glasses!!!! Keira is obsessed with them too and both Mike and I wear them and she is constantly trying to take them off our faces!!!! Good luck on the pants hunt. I know what you mean. Keira doesn't like jeans either. THey always seem to tight in the gut and hard to crawl around in and she always seems uncomfortable.
Add Brooke to loving the glasses. Both Chris and I wear glasses and she will take those, sunglasses is a hit too. I found Brooke's pants at J C Penny...I looked at Target, Walmart and couldn't find anything...oh they also have some at Carter's if you have a Carter's store where you live.
Unfortuantly we don't =( There is a Carter's outlet about an hour and a half away that I'd love to go to someday! I LOVE Carters
Try the department stores or if you have any outlet malls near you. They seem to have a lot of winter things left over. I love the glasses! When I went to pick up mine on Tuesday, Samantha got to try on several of the kids pairs in the store. It was a riot.
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