I'm buying a piece of furniture for our bathroom! What do you think of this?? I know it says it's technically for a kitchen but who said I couldn't put it in my bathroom! haha
Alrighty... time to study for my huge quiz tomorrow (that mind as well be a freakin' exam! seriously, who has 60 questions on a QUIZ) blah... school sucks! haha =) and in the spirit of my bestfriend Kim's little baby girl, I'm going to post a few pictures of Jo when she was a newborn!
And now, my absolutely FAVOOOORITE picture...
I just think that picture is so cute! haha
Keira was cranky yesterday(and today).. I think she is teething...
I like that cabinent!! Seriously. .. its nice- I LOVE white furniture too. ohh and its a RARE day in our house that I don't take any pics of keira!
What is it with these little girls? Samantha was cranky and took ONE, I repeat, ONE nap that lasted for only an hour yesterday. I am thinking it's her second tooth. Okay - I was just looking back at Samantha's baby pics too! Jo was a cute newborn - a comment I don't dole out too often! Ha ha! I even think my kids all looked like little monkeys when they were babies! I love it when they are all wrapped up in a ball! Good luck on your test / quiz. I have many thoughts on college professors - none of which are very good! Let's just say - you don't have to have a teaching degree to teach college?!! Go figure.
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